The objective of this workflow is to develop a mapping between genomic assemblies, starting from nucmer comparisons of the assemblies. This is facilitated by the script "", which generates a chain file from MUMmer's delta-format files. Then, given the chain file, CrossMap (or equivalently, liftOver) can generate a new mapping of genomic features.
Run nucmer on each chromosome and scaffold against the whole genome assembly (to allow each region to find its best home on the whole genome), then filter using the MUMmer utility delta-filter (recommend parameters for a lenient mapping between genome assemblies: -i 99.5 -l 1000).
Then use the script in this repository to generate "chain" files from the delta-format .filter files.
This process requires a couple of additional steps due to an apparent problem with liftOver and CrossMap. As of late 2018, it seems that liftOver and CrossMap are doing the wrong thing with inversions, so the script produces two chain files: one for forward alignments and one for inversions. The chain file for inversions transforms the coords as the query chromosome length minus the original coordinates, in + orientation.
Then use the script ( to generate a mapping of a file of genomic coordinates.
Finally, recover the corrected coordinates from the mapped features in inverted regions, using the script
The instructions below assume local installation of the MUMmer package and CrossMap. Note that CrossMap can be easily installed using Conda, e.g.
conda install -c bioconda mummer
conda install -c bioconda crossmap
The following example maps a set of SNP positions, in simplified BED format, between the soybean (Glycine max) Williams 82 assembly 1 (2010 JGI assembly version) and Williams 82 assembly 2.
Note: see the RESULTS in sample_nucmer/. To save space, the raw delta files have not been included.
for path in sample_nucmer/*.delta; do
file=`basename $path .delta`
delta-filter -q $path -i 99.5 -l 1000 > sample_nucmer/$file.filter
show-coords -rclT $NUC_DIR/$file.filter > sample_nucmer/$file.coords
done &
/scripts/ -fwd work/all_FWD.chain -rev work/all_REV.chain work/all_r.v1.q.v2.filter
Use the chain files to map features in a supplied BED file. Do this for both the FWD and REV chain files. bed work/all_FWD.chain sample_snps/SNP50K_Wm82.a1.bed | grep -v Fail > work/all_map_a1_a2_fwd.tsv bed work/all_REV.chain sample_snps/SNP50K_Wm82.a1.bed | grep -v Fail > work/all_map_a1_a2_rev_TMP
grep -h '>' sample_nucmer/*filter | sed 's/>//' | awk -v OFS="\t" '{print $2, $4}' |
sort -u > work/Q_chr_sizes.tsv
scripts/ -q work/Q_chr_sizes.tsv \
-m work/all_map_a1_a2_rev_TMP -o work/all_map_a1_a2_rev.tsv
The final result (the feature mapping between genome assemblies) is the combination of the following two files: work/all_map_a1_a2_fwd.tsv work/all_map_a1_a2_rev.tsv