2d and 3d geometry for Computer Vision and Robotics
sophus-rs is a Rust library for 2d and 3d geometry for Computer Vision and Robotics applications. It is a spin-off of the Sophus C++ library which focuses on Lie groups (e.g. rotations and transformations in 2d and 3d).
In addition to Lie groups, sophus-rs also includes other geometric/maths concepts such unit vector, splines, image classes, camera models as well as a other utilities such as a non-linear least squares optimization.
This library is in an early development stage - hence API is highly unstable. It is likely that existing features will be removed or changed in the future.
However, the intend is to stride for correctness, facilitated by a comprehensive test suite.
sophus-rs builds on stable.
sophus = "0.9.0"
To allow for batch types, such as BatchScalarF64, the 'simd' feature is required. This feature
depends on portable-simd
, which is currently
only available on nightly. There
are no plans to rely on any other nightly features.
sophus = { version = "0.9.0", features = ["simd"] }