A CLI wrapper for Marvelapp (https://marvelapp.com)
The wrapper will enable you to interact with your Marvel account from the comfort of your command line.
pip install marvelapp-cli
You will need an access token to use the CLI, generate a new one or find the one you already have set up here: https://marvelapp.com/oauth/devtoken
You can export your token by running this command from the same dir you installed the CLI:
export MARVEL_CLI_TOKEN='your access token'
The CLI will then automatically use this token for each command you run (so you don't have to auth each one individually).
To unauth:
To invite users to your workspace:
marvelcli add-collabs-to-project --project 12345 --email "[email protected]" --email "[email protected]" --email "[email protected]"
You can find out how to use each command with:
marvelcli [command name] --help
Command Name: Command Use:
about-user User statistics
add-collabs-to-project Add collaborators to a project
add-groups-to-project Add groups to a project
add-members-to-group Add members to a group
create-folder Create a folder
create-group Create a group
create-project Create a new project
delete-groups Delete groups
delete-project Delete a project
get-billing-info Get billing information
get-personal-projects List all projects owned by you
remove-collabs-from-project Remove collaborators from a project
remove-groups-from-project Remove groups from a project
remove-members-from-group Remove members from a group
remove-users-from-workspace Remove users from your workspace
update-group-name Update a group name
Anything you'd like to see that isn't here? Email [email protected] with your request!