Rejects a promise that fails a test condition
var condition = require('@songkick/promise-condition');
var rejectAbove400 = condition(function (data) { return data.status < 400; });
function fetch200(){
return fetch('/path/to/a/http-200-ok');
function fetch400(){
return fetch('/path/to/a/http-400-bad-request');
// the initial fetch response
// probably won't happen here, unless /200 doesn't return a HTTP - 200
// should not happen here
// err instanceof condition.ConditionError === true
// err === {
// message: 'Condition test failed',
// fn: fetch400,
// data: // the original data
// }
As promise-condition
input and output is a function returning a promise, you can compose them easily with other similar helpers (see below).
In the example below, our /data
API is a bit janky and might return HTTP 500 errors. We'll retry them twice before giving up.
var promiseRetry = require('@songkick/promise-retry');
var promiseCondition = require('@songkick/promise-condition');
var retryTwice = promiseRetry({ retries: 2 });
var rejectAbove500 = promiseCondition(function (data) {
return data.status < 500;
function fetchData() {
// this call might return 500 sometimes
return fetch('/data');
// yay !
// we retried the call twice but always got 500s :(
composes really well with the following promise helper: