The master branch is now set to use the new APIv4 for mattermost. Some things have changed, please see the updated requirements and changed BOT_IDENTITY parameters.
- 'email' is now 'login'
- 'server' is the url without https:// or the port. Port and scheme have their own option now.
- You need to
pip install mattermostdriver
Use the APIv3 branch for that.
Attention: The BOT_IDENTITY
config options have changed!
- Channelmentions in messages aren't accounted for (Unsure if they need to be)
Nothing regarding files worksInfo about files in a post are attached to the message
- Python >= 3.4 (3.3 should work too)
- websockets 3.2
- mattermostdriver > 0.3.0
git clone
- Create an account for the bot on the server.
- Install the requirements.
- Open errbot's
BACKEND = 'Mattermost'
BOT_EXTRA_BACKEND_DIR = '/path/to/backends'
BOT_ADMINS = ('@yourname') # Names need the @ in front!
# Required
'login': '[email protected]',
'password': 'botpassword',
'team': 'nameoftheteam',
'server': '',
# Optional
'insecure': False, # Default = False. Set to true for self signed certificates
'scheme': 'https', # Default = https
'port': 8065, # Default = 8065
'timeout': 30 # Default = 30. If the webserver disconnects idle connections later/earlier change this value
- If the bot has problems doing some actions, you should make it system admin, some actions won't work otherwise.
If you have multiple teams, check that you are both members of the same team!
Thanks to and all the contributors to the bot. Most of this code was build with help from the already existing backends, especially: (If there is an Issue with any code I reused, please give me a message!)