- Moving Booking Web application based on nodejs, express & mongoDB.
- We have used HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE
- User will have to login in order to book a movie
- After the user log ins, it will be able to book a movie ticket in the theatres associated with the movie.
- User will be able to select seats according to it's choice.
- Next, the User will get to the payment page to pay for the ticket.
- User can download the m-ticket from the payment page
This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.8.
Run ng generate component component-name
to generate a new component.
Run ng serve --open
to launch the front end.
- We used router outlet to navigate to different pages using "@angular/router".
- Bootstrap used for awesome css using "@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap".
- Jspdf and html2canvas used to download the ticket in pdf format.
- Carousel implemented on front end using ng2-carouselamos.
- To store user details with access token we used ngx-cookie-service".
- To implement pagination we have used ngx pagination.
- Filter used to for the search functionality.
- Date picker implemented using ngb-datepicker.
https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-pagination https://www.freakyjolly.com/create-multipage-html-pdf-jspdf-html2canvas/ https://angular.io/guide/pipes https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-cookie-service
- Run 'mongod' to connect to the mongo atlas
- Run 'npm run start' to start the backend server
- Run 'npm install' everytime you take a pull
- Rest APIs for all the necessary datas are created
- Mongodb is used to store the data
- nodemailer used to send emails to the user after movie booking and forgot password
- We have used body-parser to parse the JSON data.
- We have used CORS as a dependency to allow cross domain requests
- We have used express framework which provides robust set of features
- 'jsonwebtoken' is used to generate the user token
- Mongoose is used to connect to the MongoDB