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This document describes the data-driven aspects of the website, details how and where the site is hosted and the lists location of the source tree.


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The ODN is built using Node.js. After cloning the repository and downloading node, simply run npm install from within the project directory to install all dependencies.

Make sure that you use the Node version specified in package.json (currently 10.18.0). You can check your node version using node --version.


The ODN uses memcached to cache responses to the ODN Backend as well as other external resources. While a cache is not necessary for development, it is recommended because it drastically improves site performance.

Installation with Homebrew

Memcached is available over homebrew. To install it, use brew install memcached. There are many options for running memcached. To see them all, use brew info memcached.

Flushing the Cache

Run ./ to flush the development cache.


The build process is automated using gulp and configured with gulpfile.js.

Verify gulp is installed with gulp --version. If it's not installed, run npm install --global gulp-cli.

To build the application, simply run gulp. This will automatically build all javascript and css assets and package them for deployment. It will automatically rebuild when changes are detected in the source. Note that some syntax errors will require restarting the build process.

To run the webserver, use gulp start, and then open locahost:3000. The webserver will restart when changes are detected in the source.

It can be useful to open two separate terminals: one to build the application, and another to run the webserver.


The ODN uses casperjs for functional testing. To install casperjs globally, run npm install -g casperjs. Tests are stored in the /tests directory and can be run using npm test.

Sometimes, running tests will trigger a webserver restart which will then cause many tests to fail. If this happens, start the server using node app.js.

Integration Tests

Integration tests are run to check each deployment using Travis CI. These tests must pass for the deployment to succeed.

Running Tests before Committing

Since all tests must pass for a deployment to succeed, it is a good idea to run unit tests locally before pushing to GitHub. The script will make sure that all unit tests succeed before every commit. To install it, run:

ln -s -f ../../scripts/ .git/hooks/pre-commit

Official deployment

For community users, pushing the app to Heroku with a Memcachier add-on should be sufficient.

For Tyler Technologies employees, refer to troubleshooting for further help in administering the official instance.


The ODN uses the Heroku MemJS add-on for memcached.


For Tyler Technologies employees, refer to troubleshooting for further help.