"LittleStudio" is an innovative drawing application designed for children aged 5-8 and their parents. The interactive platform allows families to collectively produce unique piece of artwork in their mobile systems.
Please refer to following documents for more detailed explanation about system architecture and application features.
- Real-time drawing across different devices
- Animated artwork
- Gallery shared with family
We recommend activating virtual environment for LittleStudio server set up.
git clone https://github.com/snuhcs-course/swpp-2023-project-team-9.git
cd backend
pip install -e .
Please contact the team if you need access to existing AWS RDS and S3 bucket services. Otherwise, create your own resources and place them in an .env file inside backend directory.
python manage.py runserver
Please follow this documentation for GPU service authentication: https://gpu.snucse.org/kubectl.html.
Apply deployment and service yaml in the inference directory.
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
Find the name of the pod running.
kubectl get pods
Connect to the api-server container defined in your deployment.
kubectl exec -it {pod-name} -c api-server /bin/bash
Within the pod, activate virtual environment in anaconda and run flask server.
activate animated_drawings
cd animated_drawing/examples
flask run --host=
Now you can access inference server from outside.
When you're done, delete all service and deployement to free up GPU resources on Bacchus server.
kubectl delete services --all
kubectl delete deployments --all
Images are already available in the Bacchus harbor registry.
If you want to change the image or underlying code, please contact us.
Flask server code is located in examples/app.py.