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Snapshot X

An EVM implementation of the Snapshot X Protocol. Refer to the documentation for more information.

Contracts Blueprint

├─ authenticators
│  ├─ Authenticator.sol - "Base Authenticator contract"
│  ├─ EthSigAuthenticator.sol - "Strategy that authenticates users via an EIP712 signature"
│  ├─ EthTxAuthenticator.sol - "Strategy that authenticates users via checking the tx sender address"
│  └─ VanillaAuthenticator.sol — "Vanilla Strategy"
├─ voting-strategies
│  ├─ CompVotingStrategy.sol - "Strategy that uses delegated balances of Comp tokens as voting power"
│  ├─ OZVotesVotingStrategy.sol - "Strategy that uses delegated balances of OZ Votes tokens as voting power"
│  ├─ WhitelistVotingStrategy.sol — "Strategy that gives predetermined voting power for members in a whitelist. Whitelist is stored in a bytes array On-Chain."
│  ├─ MerkleWhitelistVotingStrategy.sol — "Strategy that gives predetermined voting power for members in a whitelist. Whitelist is stored in a Merkle tree Off-Chain, with only the root being stored On-Chain."
│  └─ VanillaVotingStrategy.sol — "Vanilla Strategy"
├─ execution-strategies
│  ├─ timelocks
│  |  ├─ CompTimelockCompatibleExecutionStrategy.sol - "Strategy that provides compatibility with existing Comp Timelock contracts"|  ├─ OptimisticCompTimelockCompatibleExecutionStrategy.sol - "Optimistic strategy that provides compatibility with existing Comp Timelock contracts"|  ├─ OptimisticTimelockExecutionStrategy.sol - "Optimistic strategy that can be used to execute proposal transactions according to a timelock delay"|  └─ TimelockExecutionStrategy.sol - "Strategy that can be used to execute proposal transactions according to a timelock delay"
│  ├─ AvatarExecutionStrategy.sol - "Strategy that allows proposal transactions to be executed from an Avatar contract"
│  ├─ TimelockExecutionStrategy.sol - "Strategy that can be used to execute proposal transactions according to a timelock delay"
│  ├─ CompTimelockCompatibleExecutionStrategy.sol - "Strategy that provides compatibility with existing Comp Timelock contracts"
│  ├─ EmergencyQuorumExecutionStrategy.sol - "Base Strategy that uses an additional Emergency Quorum to determine the status of a proposal"
│  ├─ OptimisticQuorumExecutionStrategy.sol - "Base Strategy that uses an Optimistic Quorum to determine the status of a proposal"
│  ├─ SimpleQuorumExecutionStrategy.sol - "Base Strategy that uses a Simple Quorum to determine the status of a proposal"
│  └─ VanillaExecutionStrategy.sol - "Vanilla Strategy"
├─ interfaces
│  ├─ ...
├─ proposal-validation-strategies
│  ├─ ActiveProposalsLimiterProposalValidationStrategy.sol - "Strategy to that validates with the ActiveProposalsLimiter module"
│  ├─ PropositionPowerAndActiveProposalsLimiterProposalValidationStrategy.sol - "Strategy that validates with the ActiveProposalsLimiter and PropositionPower modules"
│  └─ PropositionPowerProposalValidationStrategy.sol - "Strategy that validates with the PropositionPower module"
├─ utils
│  ├─ ActiveProposalsLimiter.sol - "Module to limit the number of active proposals per author"
│  ├─ BitPacker.sol - "Uint256 Bit Setting and Checking Library"
│  ├─ PropositionPower.sol - "Module that checks proposal authors exceed a threshold proposition power over a set of strategies"
│  ├─ SXHash.sol - "Snapshot X Types Hashing Library"
│  ├─ SXUtils.sol - "Snapshot X Types Utilities Library"
│  ├─ SignatureVerifier.sol - "Verifies EIP712 Signatures for Snapshot X actions"
│  └─ SpaceManager.sol - "Manages a whitelist of Spaces that have permissions to execute transactions"
├─ ProxyFactory.sol - "Handles the deployment and tracking of Space contracts"
└─ Space.sol - "The base contract for each Snapshot X space"
└─ types.sol - "Definitions for Snapshot X custom types"



Build the contracts:

$ forge build


Run the tests:

$ forge test


Get a test coverage report:

$ forge coverage


To deploy the protocol to an EVM chain, first set the following environment variables:

# The address of the account that the protocol will be deployed from.
# The name of the chain you want to deploy on. The addresses of the deployed contracts will be stored at /deployments/network.json
# An RPC URL for the chain.
# An API key for a block explorer on the chain (Optional).

Following this, a Foundry Script can be run to deploy the entire protocol. Example usage to deploy from a Ledger Hardware Wallet and verify on a block explorer:

forge script script/Deployer.s.sol:Deployer --rpc-url $RPC_URL --optimize --broadcast --verify -vvvv --ledger --sender $DEPLOYER_ADDRESS --hd-paths "m/44'/60'/4'/0/0"

The script uses the Singleton Factory for the deployments which ensures that the addresses of the contracts are the same on all chains (so long as the chain is fully EVM equivalent).