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Scripts to manage GitHub Classroom

This folder contains scripts to collect assignments or labs and push feedback to student repositories in a given GitHub organization. There are no repository creation scripts here, since we use GitHub classroom for this part.


# Quick installation steps
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

These scripts have been tested with Python 3.9.1(latest).

Directory structure

├── ccids.txt                   # Contains ccids you need to grade
├── repo_names.txt              # Contains repo names you need to grade (these are typically the repo name suffixes corresponding to either github usernames or team names -- See point 5 below)
├──            # Collect repos
├── config                      # Configration file for
├──            # Push feedback to all repos
├──                   # This file
├── requirements.txt            # For dependencies installation
├── token_file.txt              # Your Github access token(You need to create this file)
├──             # Update all repos
├──               # Cross-check student teams
├── roster.csv                  # GitHub Classroom roster
├── pairs.csv                   # Assignment pairs list
├── assignment1                 # A subdirectory named with an assignment or lab name
│   │                           # It's automatically created after running
│   ├── repo1
│   │   ├──         # Feedback you made. Could have been generated
│   │   │                       # with marking scripts you had or added manually
│   │   └── ...
│   ├── repo2                   # Student's repository (e.g., labs-GithubUsername)
│   └── ...                
└── ...                         # Other subdirectories (e.g., labs, assignment2, etc.)


To use these scripts, please follow the following steps:

  1. Add SSH keys to your GitHub account

  2. Generate a personal access token

    • Go to, click Generate new token, select all scopes and click Generate token.

    • Remember to copy the token and paste it to a file created by yourself named token_file.txt.

  3. Configure

    • Open config, make your own configuration. Typically, you need to change username, prefix and deadline.
    • prefix is the name of lab or assignment you are grading (e.g., assignment1).
    • If you want to collect all repos, provide no value to key list. Otherwise, use ccid_list.txt as value.
    • If you want to collect repos with the latest commit, provide no value to key deadline. Otherwise, the script finds the closest commit that happens before a given deadline (inclusive) and clones/checks out the repository at that commit.
  4. (For labs) Add ccids

    • Download GitHub Classroom roster to the root directory, rename it to roster.csv.
    • Open ccids.txt, paste ccids you need to grade to this file.
    • All ccids are emails (e.g., [email protected]), one ccid per line.
    • Make sure set repo_name_list = (no value is supplied) in config. Otherwise, the script won't look at ccids.txt.
  5. (For assignments) Add repo names

    • Open repo_names.txt, paste repository names (team names in assignments) to this file, one name per line.
    • Open config, set repo_name_list = repo_names.txt.
  6. Collect repositories

    # Run this command in the root directory.
    # If you are grading assignment1,
    # a directory called 'assignment1' will be created,
    # where all the repos for assignment1 will be cloned to.
    # At the end, the script will output some error messages 
    # including any ccid it couldn't find in the student list.
  7. Grade

    • Run whatever grading scripts you have or grade manually and create a feedback file in each repository.
  8. Push feedback to student's repository

    # If your feedback is in '', run this command in the root directory.
    # This will go through all repos in the subdirectories (check directory structure above),
    # push every file named '' to corresponding repositories,
    # so to name all feedback files with the same name is a good move.
    # Because the collection process leaves the repository in a detached state,
    # this script will checkout main branch, pull with rebase, and push.
  9. Update repositories (optional)

    • Because all labs of one student are in one repository, every time when you start grading a new lab, you need to assign a new value to deadline and run python3
    • All repositories will be updated to the closest commit before the new deadline.
  10. Cross-check student teams (optional)

  • Download assignment pairs list to the root directory, rename it to pairs.csv.

    # Run this command in the root directory
    # For each student in the pairs.csv
    # This script will check if they join the correct team on GitHub
    # It will also check if the team information in roster.csv is correct
  • The results will be printed out in the terminal and be saved to two files:

    • problematic_students.csv: compares the pairs.csv to the actual team memberships from the GitHub organization.
    • problematic_students_roster.csv: compares the pairs.csv to the roster.csv.
  • Sample problematic_students.csv (empty cell means student joined no team):

    CCID GitHub username expected team current team
    [email protected] xxx Asgmt1_Team1 Asgmt1_Team2
    [email protected] xxx Asgmt1_Team3
    [email protected] xxx Asgmt1_Team5 Asgmt1_Team10
  • Sample problematic_students_roster.csv:

    CCID GitHub username expected team team in roster
    [email protected] xxx Asgmt1_Team1
    [email protected] xxx Asgmt1_Team3
    [email protected] xxx Asgmt1_Team10


  1. installation issuses

    As described above, you need to install in order to use the scripts, and if it's your first time using the GitHub module on the lab machines, you may encounter the below errors when trying to install the github3 module:

    Command "/usr/bin/python3 -u -c "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__='/tmp/pip-build-
    89vz819b/cryptography/';exec(compile(getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__).
    read().replace('\r\n', '\n'), __file__, 'exec'))" install --record /tmp/pip-197ans87-record/
    install-record.txt --single-version-externally-managed --compile --user --prefix=" failed 
    with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-89vz819b/cryptography/


    Failed buidling wheel for cryptography

    Running the command below fixes the above errors, and then you'll be able to run the installation as descibed under Quick Installation Steps:

    pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel
  2. ccid_list.txt and student_list.csv file issues

    If your ccid_list.txt or student_list.csv files are improperly formatted, the scripts may run into a KeyError in execution. Make sure there isn't a trailing newline at the bottom of the file; you may need to open the student_list.csv file in a text editor rather than spreadsheet software to correct the formatting.


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