A project for organising the knowledge on software development. An wikipedia of software development with community created content
- make software development easy to understand by giving a logical and deterministic view of technologies and problems they want to solve
- centralize and rate tutorials and articles on Problems/Solutions/Technologies
a specific implementation of a solution. has version number because some features may only be available for certain version ex: Nginx have root technology + version
A technology can belong to one or more categories. A study resource can only be in 1 category.
A concept is a like a tag but with description Technologies, Categories have o2m concepts.
Concepts have learn_level
same to learning resource difficulty_level
but different.
Learn Levels: junior
, middle
, senior
- theoretical
- can have parent from ancestor category
- practical on current implementation
- can have parent from ancestor category
an article/tutorial for a specific technology
- user can register with facebook/google or make account with username/password
- registered user can view/add/give edit suggestions to resources
- other registered users can rate the content created by other users
- registered users can add/rate tutorials/articles
- user vote up, publish edit suggestion - user positive action ++
- user vote down, reject edit suggestion - user positive action --
- someone votes +/- a resource, edit suggestion, the resource author gets positive/negative rating
- an edit suggestion gets published/rejected, the author gets positive/negative rating
SEO first strategy: - home/browse/detail pages should be served with content optimized for search engines. - render serverside html with all data - use serverside caching for speed - js used for actions and forms processing - pages destined only for users use reactJs mini apps Caching: - we'are using django-cachalot
We are using the django-edit-suggestions library to handle edit suggestions.
The app history handles keeping the changes on resources. The core.abstract_viewsets.ResourceWithEditSuggestionVieset has history endpoint:
@action(methods=['GET'], detail=True)
def history(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
It retrieves the history list of the resource in a paginated way. The resource model must inherit from core.abstract_models.ResourceMixin
python manage.py clean_migrations - deletes all migrations files; python manage.py clean_db - recreates the DB python manage.py populate_initial_fixtures - populates the DB with test data
- add ssh creds to user (cat /home/noodles/add_ssh)
- git pull origin {branch}
- migrate
- manage.py collectstatic
- restart systemd task
- users (register, rating, dashboard)
- problems
- solutions
- technologies
- learning resources
- users add edit suggestions for problems/solutions/technologies/learning resources
- users rate edit suggestions
- users with high rating/staff publish/reject edit suggestions
should test how everything works together and if the business logic is followed
- direct edit : only staff and resource owner can directly edit
- delete : only staff and resource owner can delete
- users can rate p/s/t/lr
- technology detail page
- p/s/t/lr have history tracking; the
app manages this. it creates an entry for each create/edit published
User Info and Notifications
if sessionStorage doesn't have "user_data" key then it hits the server api/account. If the user is logged in, return the data and populate user_data (user_id, name). Else, mark user_data as "unauthenticated"
users can have notifications
navbar app manages user login/logout and notifications
how it works:
- new app notifications with db model that saves the messages to db
- has task
create_notification(user, message)
that sends emails also - when user logins, we get the notifications and save all highlitghted ones into redis
- when user removes notification, it's not highlighted anymore, but still persists in db
field type user_pk int message small text created datetime read bool -
add login popup triggered on actions (vote/post review/create edit suggestion, etc)
history page
show "contributors" counter that measures how many people are contributing/following
- a public collection's items list is open to edits
- users can edit items/order
- users can follow
- users can create an associated discussion thread for p/s/t/lr
- any user can report a bug on page; must have rate limiter
- link technologies together. make a sort of wiki tree for each of them
- bring into moderation c/ct/t/lr with many thumbs down
- resource views stats - use redis then have a task to update views table
- scan current url to see if tutorial or course exists on noodles
- exists: retrieve rating/reviews for the user to know if it worth the time to go through
- doesn't exist: allow the user to add it
- can add to user collections
- can rate resource and add review
- user badges for contribution
- badge for resources added
- junior curator / senior curator
- badge for reviews
- junior reviewer
- stars for thumbs up
** Homepage Frontend **
featured categories GET /categories/api/featured/ category concepts GET /concepts/api/category/featured/ featured technologies GET /learn/api/featured/1 technologies with no concepts GET /learn/api/no_technology_concept/ resources with no reviews GET /tutorials/api/resources/no_reviews/ featured collections GET /collections/api/featured/