A good proof is one that makes us wiser. -- Yuri Manin The DOT Calculus and its Variations Formalizations of the Dependent Object Types (DOT) calculus, from the bottom up, with soundness proofs at each step. Towards Strong Normalization for Dependent Object Types (ECOOP'17) [pdf] D<:> with extensions From F to DOT: Type Soundness Proofs with Definitional Interpreters (POPL'17) [pdf] STLC F<: F<: Equivalence with Small-Step F<: with Mutable References F<: with Exceptions F<:> from the System D Square D<:> from the System D Square DOT in Big-Step older developments from 2015 Type Soundness for Dependent Object Types (OOPSLA'16) [pdf] DOT in small-step Foundations of Path-Dependent Types (OOPSLA'14) [pdf] muDOT