Final Transmissions is a location based storytelling experience for Android phones. It utilizes browser based webRTC technologies along with augmented reality and proximity based sound to tell stories that overlap with the real world.
Upon creating an account or logging in you will be able to select an available story and get yoruself to the starting point for that story. All stories are location based and you need to be in the proper location to experience the story. We eventually anticipate stories being staged all over, but for now the focus is on southern California.
Once you enter the story experience you will have a meter that will guide you from location to location. As you near key locations you will start to hear music and then talking/story elements. At each story location you will be prompet to switch to camera mode and trigger the local augmented reality by displaying the correct card (provided for download on teh story page) to the camera and then looking around you for the augmented reality.
- Proximity based sound
- Augmented reality
- High quality voice acting / sound
- Mobile camera integration
- User area (stores story progress on a per user basis)
- Node.js / NPM
- A-Frame
- AR.js
- ARtoolkit
- Pug (formerly Jade)
- NoSleep.js
- Howler.js
- MySQL -- Most dependencies can be seen in the package.json file or in ./client/assets/lib/