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Communication between MicroPython hardware boards

This provides a means of communication between two devices, each running MicroPython, where a UART cannot be used. An example is where one device is an ESP8266 board. While this has one bidirectional UART, this may be in use either as a REPL console, for viewing debug output, or for other puposes.

It is intended for use in asynchronous programs and uses uasyncio.

The module offers a bidirectional full duplex communication channel between two hardware devices. Its unit of communication is an arbitrary Python object making for simple application. In an alternative mode for resource constrained devices, the unit of communication is a string.

Physically it uses a 4-wire interface plus an additional wire to enable the host to issue a hardware reset to the target in the event that the target crashes or becomes unresponsive. Where the target is an ESP8266 this can occur for various reasons including network issues where sockets can block indefinitely.

The module will run on devices with minimal features and makes no assumptions about processing performance: at a physical level the interface is synchronous. If each device has two pins which can be used for output and two for input and supports uasyncio it should work.

Example usage

import uasyncio as asyncio
from syncom import SynCom
from machine import Pin

 # Task just echoes objects back
async def passive_task(chan):
    while True:
        obj = await chan.await_obj()

mtx = Pin(14, Pin.OUT, value = 0)    # Define pins
mckout = Pin(15, Pin.OUT, value = 0) # clock must be initialised to zero.
mrx = Pin(13, Pin.IN)
mckin = Pin(12, Pin.IN)

channel = SynCom(True, mckin, mckout, mrx, mtx)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    mckout(0)  # For a subsequent run


  • Readily portable to any MicroPython platform.
  • It does not use hardware features such as interrupts or timers.
  • Hardware requirement: two arbitrary output pins and two input pins on each device.
  • The interface is synchronous, having no timing dependencies.
  • It supports full duplex communications (concurrent send and receive).
  • The unit of transmission is an arbitrary Python object.
  • All methods are non-blocking.
  • Small: <200 lines of Python.


  • The interface is an alternative to I2C or SPI and is intended for directly linked devices sharing a common power supply.
  • It is slow. With a Pyboard linked to an ESP8266 clocked at 160MHz, the peak bit rate is 1.6Kbps. Mean throughput is about 800bps. In practice throughput will depend on the performance of the slowest device and the behaviour of other tasks.


The obvious question is why not use I2C or SPI. The reason is the nature of the slave interfaces: these protocols are designed for the case where the slave is a hardware device which guarantees a timely response. The MicroPython slave drivers achieve this by means of blocking system calls. Synchronising master and slave is difficult because the master needs to ensure that the slave is running the blocking call before transmitting. For the slave to do anything useful the code must be designed to ensure that the call exits at the end of a message.

Further such blocking calls are incompatible with asynchronous programming.

The two ends of the link are defined as initiator and passive. These describe their roles in initialisation. Once running the protocol is symmetrical and the choice as to which unit to assign to each role is arbitrary: the test programs assume that the Pyboard is the initiator.


  • The library.
  • Test program configured for Pyboard: run with on the other device.
  • Test program configured for ESP8266: runs on other end of link.

Hardware connections

Each device has the following logical connections, din, dout, ckin, ckout. The din (data in) of one device is linked to dout (data out) of the other, and vice versa. Likewise the clock signals ckin and ckout.

To enable a response to crash detection a pin on the Pyboard is connected to the Reset pin on the target. The polarity of the reset pulse is definable in code by virtue of the Signal object. The pins below are those used in the test programs.

Initiator Passive Pyboard ESP8266
reset (o/p) reset (i/p) Y4 reset
dout (o/p) din (i/p) Y5 14
ckout (o/p) ckin (i/p) Y6 15
din (i/p) dout (o/p) Y7 13
ckin (i/p) ckout (o/p) Y8 12


Unless using string mode the Pickle module is required.

class SynCom

A SynCom instance is idle until its start task is scheduled. The driver causes the host device to resets the target and wait for synchronisation. When the interface is running the passed user task is launched; unless an error occurs this runs forever using the interface as required by the application. If crash detection is required the user task should check for a timeout. In this event the user task should return. This causes the target to be reset and the interface to re-synchronise. The user task is then re-launched.


Positional arguments:

  1. passive Boolean. One end of the link sets this True, the other False.
  2. ckin An initialised input Pin instance.
  3. ckout An initialised output Pin instance. It should be set to zero.
  4. din An initialised input Pin instance.
  5. dout An initialised output Pin instance.
  6. sig_reset (optional) default None. A Signal instance. Should be configured so that when True the target will be reset.
  7. timeout (optional) default 0. Units ms. See below.
  8. string_mode (optional) default False. See String Mode below.
  9. verbose (optional) default True. If set, debug messages will be output to the REPL.

Synchronous Methods

  • send Argument an arbitrary Python object (or a string in string mode). Puts the item on the queue for transmission.
  • any No args.
    Returns the number of received objects on the receive queue.
  • running No args.
    Returns True if the channel is running, False if the target has timed out.

Asynchronous Methods (tasks)

  • await_obj Argument t_ms default 10ms. See below.
    Wait for reception of a Python object or string and return it. If the interface times out (because the target has crashed) return None.
  • start Optional args user_task, fail_delay.
    Starts the interface. If a user_task is provided this will be launched when synchronisation is achived. The user task should return if a timeout is detected (by await_obj returning None). On return the driver will wait for fail_delay (see below) before asserting the reset signal to reset the target. The user task will be re-launched when synchronisation is achieved. The user_task is passed a single argument: the SynCom instance. If the user task is a bound method it should therefore be declared as taking two args: self and the channel.

The fail_delay (in seconds) is a convenience to allow user tasks to terminate before the user task is restarted. On detection of a timeout an application should set a flag to cause tasks instantiated by the user task to terminate, then issue return. This avoids unlimited growth of the task queue.

The t_ms argument to await_obj determines how long the task pauses between checks for received data. Longer intervals increase latency but (possibly) improve raw throughput.



When the host launches the start coroutine it runs forever. It resets the target which instantiates a SynCom object and launches its start coroutine. The two then synchronise by repeatedly transmitting a _SYN character. Once this has been received the link is synchronised and the user task is launched.

The user task runs forever on the target. On the host it may return if a target timeout is detected. In this instance the host's start task waits for the optional fail_delay before resetting the target and re-synchronising the interface. The user task, which ran to completion, is re-launched.

String Mode

On resource constrained platforms the pickle module can be problematic: the method used to convert a string to an arbitrary Python object involves invoking the compiler which demands significant amounts of RAM. This can be avoided by sending only strings to the resource constrained platform, which must then interpret the strings as required by the application. The protocol places some restrictions. The bytes must not include 0, and they are limited to 7 bits. The latter limitation can be removed (with small performance penalty) by changing the value of _BITS_PER_CH to 8. The limitations allow for normal UTF8 strings.


The timing measurements in Limitations above were performed as follows. A logic analyser was connected to one of the clock signals and the time for one character (7 bits) to be transferred was measured (note that a bit is transferred on each edge of the clock). This produced figures for the raw bits per second throughput of the bitbanged interface.

The value produced by the test programs ( and is the total time to send an object and receive it having been echoed back by the ESP8266. This includes encoding the object as a string, transmitting it, decoding and modifying it, followed by similar processing to send it back. Hence converting the figures to bps will produce a lower figure (on the order of 656bps at 160MHz).

The Pickle module

In normal mode the library uses the Python pickle module for object serialisation. This has some restrictions, notably on the serialisation of user defined class instances. See the Python documentation. Currently there is a MicroPython issue #2280 where a memory leak occurs if you pass a string which varies regularly. Pickle saves a copy of the string (if it hasn't already occurred) each time until RAM is exhausted. The workround is to use any data type other than strings or bytes objects; or to use string mode.