Utility to load OSM networks into a Simplexspatial server.
The tool will apply back-pressure to the flow, so the performance depends on the server. Memory usage is minimal.
osm file -> keep nodes and ways -> batch generation -> Sink into
The following command will generate a distributable packages into target/universal
sbt clean universal:packageZipTarball
It will generate a 50M tar {source_root}/target/universal/simplexspatial-loader-osm-<version>.tgz
with all the necessary stuff to run the utility.
To create a package with all necessary inside, execute the follow command:
sbt "loadOSM/runMain com.simplexportal.spatial.loadosm.Main --block-size=300 /home/angelcerveraclaudio/Downloads/osm/ireland-and-northern-ireland-latest.osm.pbf"
Using the previous zip, uncompress it and from the folder where you uncompressed:
bin/simplexspatial-loader-osm \
-java-home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 \
-jvm-debug 9009 \
-J-Xms64m \
-J-Xmx128m \
--block-size=300 \
bin/simplexspatial-loader-osm \
-java-home /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 \
-jvm-debug 9009 \
-J-Xms1G \
-J-Xmx4G \
--block-size=300 \