- San Diego, United States
- 8h behind - in/siddharth-nahar-110b26186
- Pro
This repository analyses Strategic form games for N-player calculating various Equilibrium's, Calculate MSNE for 2-Player strategic form and zero sum game, Also contains algorithm for N-player fini…
This Repo consist code for transfer learning for facial emotion detection via valence and arousal levels. We used pretrained weights from VGG-16 net and apply on that features deep neural network a…
This Repo contains code for Tokenizer, Removing Epsilon Production, Left Recursion, Parsing through LL(1) Parser through a specified grammer. It also contains RD parser for language of Palindromes …
This Project is detect outliers in sensor networks. We are using ISSNIP Single hop dataset for this.
Advitiya hackathon | IIT ROPAR
This code contain regular expressions for valid function signatures, variable declarations, valid Parameters and Multiline Comments
This Repo contains complete code for Object oriented paradigms in C++ and Shielding Classes in Java for more secure Object Oriented Use
This code contains ORM codes using JDBC library for connecting Java to Mysql Data BAse for performing queries, Atomic Transactions, Extracting Meta Data
Contains Code for Inter Process communication via Shared Memory , Sockets and Datagrams. Basic Implementations according to Problem Statement described in Repo
This Repo contains basic modules like Use of Kernel level Libraries, Random Number generation, Heap Memory Module implementation via best-fit,first-fit,Buddy Systems,Virtual Memory Mechanisms FIFO,…
This Repo contains complete implementation of Gmail API in case of Secondary Storage Devices. Files will be saved as Draft Message for certain amount of memory and create links for bigger file .It'…
This Repo contains multi processor version for Simple RISC architecture .We have added additional code on previous built RISC architecture.
This code contains website for Patient Management System. We have added various feature for usual patient management forms, Doctor User Signup, Medical History,Nearby Hospital Navigation, Login Sys…
This Repo contains Algorithm for conversion of Image to its Pencil Sketch and additionally created an App for it.
This Repo Contains two parts - 1. First part contains Basic operations like Scaling, Resizing, Rotation, Tie Points through inverse mapping 2.Second Part contains Morphing of images through Delauna…
Contains algorithms to train Pacman agent to find/eat food particles .Multi-Agent Algorithms are also used.
Used Vizdoom API to train AI-Bot using DQN, DRQN and add a lot of improvements fixed-Q, Dueling, Prioritzing to maximize K/D of Bot.
Created Game Flappy Bird, Applied Genetic Algorithm for Data Generation and used that Data to train SVM model. Game trained to Perfection!!
Train model using Decision Tree ID3 for Movie Reviews using Word Sentiment Analysis. This Repositry contains all Data Set and Model implemented by ID3 Algorithm.
Taken dataset from UC for above task used Linear Ridge Regression for Performing it. Normalisation, Debugging, Plotting Graphs .
This Repo contains Code and DataSet used with Results findout. I have used Logisitic Regression with Regulariztion, Plotted Graphs for Classfication applied Newton-Raphson Method .
In this Repo DataSet, Code and Results have been added. I have created general Neural Networks PArams are taken as input and Different Optimizers and ran on the DataSet to predict Steering angles
Performing a Spam email filtering Task using Naive Bayes Classifier.
Implemented K-means Clustering on standard MNIST Dataset, Added All Data and Code