shyamalschandra/shyamalschandra is a β¨ special β¨ repository because its
(this file) appears on your GitHub profile.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- π Iβm currently working on Swift 6.0+ and Python 3.12+ projects with bash shell scripts.
- π± Iβm currently learning different design patterns for advanced and mastering Swift 5.8+.
- π― Iβm looking to collaborate on an open-source project involving Swift and Python with bash/zsh script.
- π€ Iβm looking for help with my issues that have not been resolved and glad to meet Swift and Python programmers.
- π¬ Ask me about anything CS, algorithms, and data structures-related.
- π« How to reach me: [email protected]
- π Pronouns: He/him
- β‘ Fun fact: I finished 1st (out of 10K) in a MSFT Stock Challenge when I was in grade school AFAIR (as far as I remember).