This repository contains a comprehensive Power BI dashboard project focused on analyzing credit card transactions, customer demographics, and overall customer analytics. The dashboard consists of three main reports:
- Credit Card Transaction Report
- Credit Card Customer Report
- Customer Analytics
This report provides insights into the credit card transaction volumes and revenue. Key features include:
- Revenue and Total Transaction Count by Quarter
- Revenue breakdown by Expense Type, Education Level, Job, and Card Type
- Transaction details by different card usage methods (Swipe, Chip, Online)
This report delves into customer profiles and their interaction with credit card services. Key features include:
- Revenue and transaction details segmented by income, gender, and dependent count
- Analysis of customer satisfaction scores
- Revenue by marital status, top states by revenue, and age groups
This report focuses on overall customer analytics, providing a holistic view of customer demographics and behaviors. Key features include:
- Breakdown of personal loan and car ownership status among customers
- Delinquent accounts by customer job type
- Weekly revenue changes and insights into customer behavior patterns
CreditCardAndCustomerDashboard/ ├── CreditCardTransactionReport ├── CreditCardCustomerReport ├── CustomerAnalytics └──
These reports can be used to:
- Gain insights into credit card transaction trends.
- Understand customer demographics and behaviors.
- Make data-driven decisions for improving customer satisfaction and business strategies.