This is a Riemann client for Haskell with an API based on my experience using Riemann in a production environment.
It was initially inspired by riemann-hs however I felt things could be a little simpler.
- No Lenses
- Doesn't use a monad transformer
- Currently this library is only for sending events, not querying
- No UDP client
- Async TCP sending
- Batching and async error handling
- Deal with back pressure
Please be aware that this is currently a work in progress and hasn't been well tested yet. I still have the following features to add:
- Tests!!!
- Timeout if events take too long to send
Originally I wanted to avoid pipes as it's just another dependency and Unagi seems to be quite a bit faster, however after implementing most of the required features I can see that it would be really nice if the 'Clients' were made of individual components that compose. You would have 1 producer which is connected to sendEvent
, consumers such as a TCP consumer and a stdout consumer as well as pipes such as batch pipe and overflow pipe.
module Main where
import Data.Function
import qualified Network.Monitoring.Riemann.Event as Event
import Network.Monitoring.Riemann.TCP
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
main :: IO ()
main = do
c <- tcpConnection "localhost" 5555
putStrLn "doing some IO work"
let event1 = Event.ok "my service"
& Event.description "my description"
& Event.metric (length [ "some data" ])
& Event.ttl 20
& Event.tags [ "tag1", "tag2" ]
Event.sendEvents c (Seq.singleton event1)
putStrLn "do something else"
let event2 = Event.ok "my other service"
Event.sendEvents c (Seq.singleton event2)
putStrLn "finished"
Events are built by composing helper functions that set Riemann fields and applying to one of the Event constructors:
Event.ok "my service"
& Event.description "my description"
& Event.metric (length [ "some data" ])
& Event.ttl 20
& Event.tags ["tag1", "tag2"]
With this design you are encouraged to create an event with one of Event.ok
, Event.warn
or Event.failure
This has been done because we found that it is best to avoid services like my.service.success
and my.service.error
(that's what the Riemann state field is for).
You can use your own states using & Event.state "trace"
however this is discouraged as it doesn't show up nicely in riemann-dash.
Alternatively there is a Monoid based api for creating events:
import Data.Monoid (Endo, (<>))
import Network.Monitoring.Riemann.Event.Monoid
eventA :: Endo Event
eventA = ttl 10 <> metric (1 :: Int) <> attributes [attribute "something" Nothing]
eventB :: Endo Event
eventB = tags ["tag 1"]
compositeEvent :: Event
compositeEvent = ok "some service" (eventA <> eventB)