This is my first attempt to create a complete Full-Stack Web Application that has both frontend and Backend attached to it.
This App mainly focuses on the pain points of students through which they can find properties for their accomodation.
This is a website with some exciting functionality
Due to the existence of the database, it cannot be hosted on GitHub I will link the video . You can dowload the source code and work it out on your own using XAMMP.
This is the video of the working Web-App:
This is the Backend Section of the Working App
- As it just the first try at Full Stack Web App build so it has basic functionalities such as:-
- This is an ongoing project and I am modifying certain things in it like the "Contact Form" and "Property Addition"
- This is used to find Accomodation Propertyfor students into their Respective cities.
- You can make your own account and it would be safe with us
- You can even select interested properties and see them in your Dashboard
Clone the project
git clone https://link-to-project
Install Xammp for running this
install xammp and run it and start apache
Naviagate to the given path
Write the following the address bar and you could see it running
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- React