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.files and macOS setup

Contains macOS configuration files for various apps and instructions for setting up a new Mac.

Table of Contents


  1. Update everything that is available in the App Store

  2. Install Xcode

  3. Install Homebrew

  4. Clone this repo to a local dir (e.g. ~/.files).

    git clone [email protected]:shiki/dotfiles.git ~/.files


Homebrew Packages

brew tap homebrew/cask
brew install dropbox google-chrome spotify slack firefox notion clockify zoom krisp
brew install iterm2 macvim visual-studio-code
brew install sequel-ace psequel postgresql
brew install alfred appcleaner caffeine marta keepassxc omnidisksweeper rectangle espanso
brew install adobe-acrobat-reader handbrake
brew install homebrew/cask-versions/google-chrome-canary
brew install git git-crypt lnav tree wget gh
brew install proxyman

# Install JuliaMono Typeface (
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install --cask font-juliamono


These aren't installed through Homebrew


# Always show hidden files
defaults write -g AppleShowAllFiles -bool true

# Enable full keyboard access for all controls
# (e.g. enable Tab in modal dialogs)
defaults write NSGlobalDomain AppleKeyboardUIMode -int 3

Keyboard Shortcuts

Set the Turn Do Not Disturb On/Off keyboard shortcut to ⌃⌥⇧⌘D.


  1. Install Bash it

  2. Symlink dotfiles/.bash_profile to ~/.bash_profile

    ln -s ~/.files/.bash_profile ~/.bash_profile
  3. Restart Terminal or iTerm2

  4. Enable plugins, aliases, and completions

    $ bash-it enable plugin git autojump edit-mode-vi history
    $ bash-it enable alias git
    $ bash-it enable completion npm git docker docker-compose docker-machine bundler

Oh My Zsh!

  1. Install ohmyzsh

  2. Install dependencies

    brew install zoxide fzf
  3. Symlink dotfiles/.zshrc to ~/.zshrc

    ln -s ~/.files/.zshrc ~/.zshrc


Follow the instructions in Sync your Alfred settings between Macs to synchronize the settings using Dropbox.

These workflows should be automatically installed:


Symlink dotfiles/espanso to the path defined by the espanso path config command.

symlink_target=$(espanso path config) && rm -rf "$symlink_target" && ln -sf ~/.files/espanso "$symlink_target" 


  1. Install nvm.

  2. Install the latest Node version.

    nvm intall node


  1. Install rbenv

    brew install rbenv
  2. Install the latest Ruby version.

    # List all available versions
    rbenv install -l
    # Install
    rbenv install <version>
  3. Set it as the global version.

    rbenv global <version>
  4. Install global Ruby packages.

    gem install bundler cocoapods
  5. Prepare Cocoapods repo. This usually takes a long time.

    pod setup


$ git config --global "Shiki"
$ git config --global "[email protected]"

VS Code

VS Code settings are synchronized using the built-in Settings Sync. Turn the Settings Sync on and log in using GitHub.

Disable press and hold so that VS Code will repeat any key that is being held:

defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false   


  1. Install Emacs using emacs-mac.

  2. Install Emacs-plus.

  3. Install Source Code Pro fonts.

  4. Follow instructions in here to install Spacemacs.

  5. Install other dependencies.

    brew install pandoc
  6. Symlink .spacemacs

    $ mv .spacemacs .spacemacs.bak
    $ ln -s .files/spacemacs/.spacemacs .spacemacs


  1. Symlink .vim

    $ ln -s ~/.files/vim/vim.symlink ~/.vim
  2. Install Vundle. Follow all instructions until the :PluginInstall has been executed

  3. Symlink .vimrc

    $ rm ~/.vimrc
    $ ln -s ~/.files/vim/vimrc.symlink ~/.vimrc
  4. In MacVIM, run :PluginInstall to install all plugins. This instructs the Vundle package to install all the other packages managed by it.

  5. The VIM config uses DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline. For VIM to use this font in the terminal, make sure to set this font as the default font in the Terminal or iTerm2.

iOS Development


  1. Install the XVim2 plugin.
  2. Install the custom keybindings.
    1. Symlink XVim.idekeybindings.symlink
      ln -s ~/.files/xcode/KeyBindings/XVim.idekeybindings.symlink ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/XVim.idekeybindings
    2. Enable the keybinding in XCode → Preferences → Key Bindings
  3. Symlink the .xvimrc
    ln -s ~/.files/xcode/.xvimrc ~/.xvimrc


Install AppCode via Homebrew:

$ brew cask install appcode

AppCode settings are synchronized using a git repo.

  1. Follow the instructions in Share settings through a settings repository.
  2. Use the appcode-settings Github repo.

iOS Dev Tools

brew install simsim swiftformat

Android Development

Android Studio

Install Android Studio via Homebrew:

brew install android-studio

Android Studio settings are synchronized using a git repo.

  1. Follow the instructions in Share settings through a settings repository.
  2. Use the android-studio-settings Github repo.

Android Dev Tools

brew install scrcpy

PHP Development

  1. Install php

    brew install php
  2. Install phpbrew.

  3. Install PhpStorm.

    brew install phpstorm

Settings are synchronized using IDE settings sync using my Jetbrains account.


Install pyenv.

brew install ansible


brew install --cask temurin
brew install intellij-idea



Install these extensions.


Install these extensions.


Install themes from

  • Flatland
  • Dracula
  • Hardcore
  • Japanesque
  • Space Grey Eighties Dull


  1. Change the default DNS
  2. Add a Quick Action to convert HEIC to JPEG
  3. Enable zoom by checking Settings → Accessibility → Zoom → Use scroll gesture with modifier keys to zoom
