An app designed to create and track tasks and mark their completion. Still in development
- add event tracking for add task
location permission request upon opening app
location added to task schema
location included in task if given permission
implement intent filters
user can share images to task details
button indicates if image is already selected
- implement pinpoint for user analytics
- implement firebase cloud messaging
add task now accepts an image as an optional input
task details now displays an image if there's one associated with the task
implement s3 storage using amplify
cognito auth implemented
user can sign up, in and log out
logout button hidden when not signed in
login and signup button hidden when signed in
homepage shows tasks assigned to user's team or all tasks if they haven't selected a team
add task properly assigns tasks to the designated team
deployed first release to google play
populated app description and images
completed rating questionaire
invited testers
tasks now belong to teams
user can select which team they are on and preference is saved
user can select which team a task is for
amplify initialized
taskschema created and pushed
adapt addTask activity to dynamodb
adapt homescreen recyclerView to display dynamodb tasks
adapt adapter to provided build requirements for dynamodb and graphql
test main ui functionality
test update username
test task details title transfer
add task saves to local db
home page recycle view displays all Task entities from db
tapping on task takes to task details page with info from db
added hard coded recyclerview to homescreen displaying tasks and links to task details page
added task model with title, body and state with methods for changing state
added return home button to confirm update of username works correctly
added links to hardcoded tasks: get a job, meal prep, sleep which take in the title of the button and display on task details page
added simple unit test for add tasks page
added usersettings page and link which stores and displays username on home page
added homescreen with link to addTask and allTasks
addTask has a submitable form that saves task info and says submitted when button is pressed.
allTasks displays a title and image