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vdns is a DNS management tool with a database backend. It uses the postgresql database and has some cool features.

The main job of vdns is to generate zone files based on the data of the database. Other than that it is a library for handling DNS zone files as it can read them.

More specifically, vdns is a modular tool that supports multiple inputs. Currently it supports:

  • Reading zone data from a database
  • Reading zone data from a zone file

This makes vdns able to work well even when you are using Dynamic DNS to update zone files as it can parse those files.

Most of the functionality of vdns is based around its library, which can be used by other tools. The library supports reading zone files, generating forward zone files and generating reverse zone files.

vdns is written in Python and should work with both python2 and python3 (if not, please file a bug report).

vdns supports the following:

  • IPv4 and IPv6
  • Forward and reverse records (A, AAAA and PTR)
  • MX, NS, CNAME, TXT, SSHFP and SRV records
  • DKIM
  • Automatic NS glue records for sub-zones
  • Human-readable serial numbers

The vdns database is a human-usable database and data are generated based on that. I.e. the database is not a storage for raw DNS data. For example, forward and reverse records are generated from the same set of data, TXT records are generated from both TXT and DKIM data, etc.



You will need:

  • A postgresql database
  • Python
  • psycopg2 python library

Create the database

First create the postgresql database and grant access to it. E.g:

sudo -u postgres -i
createuser -P dns
createdb dns -E UNICODE -O dns

The sql/ directory holds a .sql file that will create the database. Use that to create the schema:

psql -f sql/dns.sql dns -U dns

Connect to the database and have a look at the schema:

psql -U dns dns

dns=> \dt
             List of relations
 Schema │     Name      │   Type   │ Owner 
 public │ cnames        │ table    │ dns
 public │ dkim          │ table    │ dns
 public │ dnssec        │ table    │ dns
 public │ domains       │ table    │ dns
 public │ dynamic       │ table    │ dns
 public │ hosts         │ table    │ dns
 public │ mx            │ table    │ dns
 public │ networks      │ table    │ dns
 public │ ns            │ table    │ dns
 public │ srv           │ table    │ dns
 public │ sshfp         │ table    │ dns
 public │ txt           │ table    │ dns
(13 rows)



vdns uses PostgreSQL and takes advantage of its types. I.e don't expect the hacks that one would need if they were using MySQL.

What you need to know:

  • Domains are strings, formatted just like in bind. Example names:
  • Intervals use the PostgreSQL Interval type. Example values:
    • 1 day
    • 00:05:00
  • Booleans can be defined as 't' or 'f' for true/false
  • Timestamps use the PostgreSQL Timestamp type and will normally use the ISO format. Example:
    • 2015-09-27 16:09:53.926174
  • IP addresses use the PostgreSQL INET type which supports both IPv4 and IPv6. You can use this to query data in a more humane way than when using strings and to do other stuff like properly sorting the results. The format is the plain IPv4 or IPv6 address. For example, you can fetch all entries with an IP tha belongs to the network, properly sorter with: SELECT * FROM hosts WHERE ip << '' ORDER BY ip
  • Networks use the PostgreSQL CIDR type which is similar to the INET type but also holds a subnet mask. Example:
    • 2a01:348::/32


The very first step is to define domains and networks. After that you insert records to the relevant tables.


You need one domain entry for each zone you have. You must list all forward and reverse zones in the domains table. The fields are as follows:

  • name: The name of the domain (string)
  • reverse: Whether this is a reverse zone (boolean)
  • ttl: as in SOA (interval)
  • refresh: as in SOA (interval)
  • retry: as in SOA (interval)
  • expire: as in SOA (interval)
  • minimum: as in SOA (interval)
  • contact: as in SOA (interval)
  • serial: as in SOA (integer)
  • ns0: as in SOA (string)
  • ts: The time this zone was last re-generated. This is handled by the vdns scripts. Leave it alone. (timestamp)
  • updated: Timestamp of the last time this zone had a change. This is handled by triggers. You should not have to touch this normally. Update it to the current timestamp if you want to force a zone regeneration. (timestamp)


  '', 'f', '1 day', '24:00:00', '01:00:00', '3 months',
  '01:00:00', '', '2016010900', '',
  '', 't', '1 day', '24:00:00', '01:00:00', '3 months',
  '01:00:00', '', '2016010900', '',


You need to define the networks for which you will generate reverse records. More precisely, you need to associate domains to actual IP networks.

Example: INSERT INTO networks VALUES('', '');


If you are doing dynamic DNS updates then you need to specify the dynamic entries per domain. This way vdns will know to load them from the old zone files. For each dynamic host you need an entry in the dynamic table.

The dynamic table's fields are:

  • domain: The domain name
  • hostname: The hostname part



Host entries are the ip<->hostname mappings and they are stored in the hosts table. The fields are:

  • ip: The IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
  • domain: The domain this is relevant to. Only forward domains should be used here
  • hostname: The hostname part
  • reverse: A boolean to indicate that this entry will be used for a reverse record. For example, if two hostname are associated to the same IP address then only one of them will be used for the reverse entry (asusming that reverse entries will be generated). Only one record per IP address may have this flag set as true. There is a trigger that will flip the rest to false whenever one is set to true.
  • ttl: The TTL of the entry, or NULL to use the zone's default


INSERT INTO hosts VALUES('', '', 'gw', 't');
INSERT INTO hosts VALUES('', '', 'router', 'f');
INSERT INTO hosts VALUES('2001:1111:2222:3333::1', '', 'gw', 't');


CNAME entries:

  • domain: The domain this is relevant to
  • hostname: The hostname part
  • hostname0: The hostname to point to
  • ttl: Same as in hosts

Example: INSERT INTO cnames VALUES('', 'mail', '');


DKIM data:

  • domain: The domain name
  • hostname: The hostname
  • selector: The DKIM selector
  • k: The key type. E.g. rsa
  • key_pub: The public key as a one-line string, without the BEGIN and END lines
  • h: The hashing algorithm, as in DKIM spec
  • g: Granularity, as in DKIM spec
  • t: Testing (boolean), whether to set the testing flag
  • subdomains (boolean), whether to set the subdomains flag
  • ttl: Same as in hosts


DNSSEC data. These data are better handled in an automated way.

Note: The tool to import them is not yet in this repo.

Note: The dnssec data must be generated with an external tool and then imported to vdns' database. Generating DNSSEC data is out of the scope of vdns as the external tools will most probably be more reliable from a security point of view.

The fields are as follows:

  • id: an auto-incremented number used as an ID. Leave the database to determine this number as it comes from a sequence.
  • domain: The domain name
  • keyid: The key-id
  • ksk: Whether this is a KSK (boolean)
  • algorithm: The algorithm id (e.g. 8)
  • digest_sha1: The sha1 digest
  • digest_sha256: The sha256 digest
  • key_pub: The public key
  • st_key_pub: The contents of the public key file, as generated by BIND's tools.
  • st_key_priv: The contents of the private key file, as generated by BIND's tools
  • ts_created: The Created time from within the public key file
  • ts_activate: The Activate time from within the public key file
  • ts_publish: The Publish time from within the public key file
  • ttl: Same as in hosts

Overall, all data in this table are just extracted data from st_key_pub and st_key_priv.


MX records:

  • domain: The domain name
  • hostname: The hostname part
  • priority: The MX priority
  • mx: The MX entry
  • ttl: Same as in hosts


NS records:

  • domain: The domain name
  • ns: The NS record for the domain
  • ttl: Same as in hosts

Data from this table will be used both for zone NS records and for glue records.


SRV records:

  • domain: The domain name
  • name: The SRV name (can be NULL)
  • protocol: The protocel (e.g. tcp), without a leading underscore
  • service: The service name (e.g. xmpp-client), without a leading underscore
  • priority: The priority of the target host (per SRV spec)
  • weight: The weight of the record (per SRV spec)
  • port: The port number
  • target: The SRV target
  • ttl: Same as in hosts

For example, this:

  '', 'test', 'tcp', 'xmpp-client', 5, 0, 5222, 'jabber');

will generate this record:

_xmpp-client._tcp.test IN SRV 5 0 5222 jabber


SSHFP records:

  • domain: The domain name
  • hostname: The hostname part
  • keytype: The key type ID. 1: RSA, 2: DSA
  • hashtype: The hashing algorithm (fingerprint) id. 1: SHA-1
  • fingerprint: The fingerprint
  • ttl: Same as in hosts


INSERT INTO sshfp VALUES( '', 'srv', 1, 1,


TXT records. Note that additional TXT records may be generated by data from other tables if needed (e.g. DKIM)

  • domain: The domain name
  • hostname: The hostname part
  • txt: The TXT contents
  • ttl: Same as in hosts

vdns will break TXT data as needed

Command line tool


To generate the zone files you need to use the vdns script's export command.

Use vdns --export to see the accepted parameters.

For example, to generate the zone files for the things that were created above:

mkdir /tmp/new export \
  --dbname dns \
  --dbuser dns \
  --outdir /tmp/new \

If you want to export a subset of zone or reverse zones then use the --domains and --networks parameters instead of --all.

Example output:

-rw-r--r-- 1 v13 v13 311 Jan 10 00:20
-rw-r--r-- 1 v13 v13 468 Jan 10 00:20

$ cat
$TTL            1D      ; 1 day
@               1D      IN      SOA (
                                2016011000      ; serial
                                1D              ; refresh (1 day)
                                1H              ; retry (1 hour)
                                90D             ; expire (12 weeks, 6 days)
                                1H              ; minimum (1 hour)

1.1.1                   IN      PTR

$ cat
$TTL            1D      ; 1 day
@               1D      IN      SOA (
                                2016011001      ; serial
                                1D              ; refresh (1 day)
                                1H              ; retry (1 hour)
                                90D             ; expire (12 weeks, 6 days)
                                1H              ; minimum (1 hour)

_xmpp-client._tcp.test  IN      SRV     5 0 5222 jabber

gw                      IN      A
router                  IN      A
gw                      IN      AAAA    2001:1111:2222:3333::1

mail                    IN      CNAME

nice and easy


Stefanos Harhalakis [email protected]


This project is developed and distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.