Python based AWS lambda function that receives GitHub WebHooks and publishes them to SNS topics.
Make sure you have the AWS cli tools setup. Next make sure to clone this repository.
Once you are done, you can get your WebHook receiver online with 3 simple commands.
virtuelenv env -p `which python2`
pip install -U chalice -r requirements.txt
chalice deploy
Next you should to get to your AWS console and set the WebHook's secret in the
Lambda environment with the name SECRET
This WebHook receiver supports all GitHub events. You can but do not need to limit the events you receive. All events will be published to SNS in a separate topic for each event type.
Now you can write your own little lambda functions, subscribe to these SNS topics and react to the events.
GitHub has it's own SNS service. The major difference here is you can use the WebHook in GibHub Integrations. The SNS service on the other hand, needs to be configured per repository and can not be configured for organisations.
A difference in design is, that each event type is published in a different topic.