Change the PORT
values in the .env
This template has docker support built in. To use, modify the DATABASE
and PORT
parameters in the .env
and Dockerfile
. Then edit the default username and service name in
Then run
To setup eslint
on your machine
npm i -g eslint
Then setup eslint
in project
ESLint --init
Q. How would you like to use ESLint?
A. find problems, errors
Q. What type of modules does your project use?
A. CommonJS
Q. Which framework does your project use?
A. None of these
Q. Does your project use typescript?
A. No
Q. Where does your code run?
A. Node
Q. What format do you want the configuration file in?
Q. Would you like to install dependencies now?
A. Yes
# microservice.bat
git clone .
rmdir .git /S /Q
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
@echo Next steps
@echo Change the package name in package.json
@echo Change the PORT and DATABASE in .env
@echo Add origin to this repository
@echo git remote add origin your_repo_url
@echo I will now install npm packages
npm i