This is simple service which provides the apis for booking tables in specific retaurant and send confirmation sms I have added data seeder for adding data in mongo.
- You need to update the config.env file in config folder
- Import postman collections
- Run seeder.js for importing data in db
you will find config copy.env in config folder just rename it config.env update with your secrets like mongo uri, twilio configs etc
To test the api I have added the postman collection of api in documentation folder just go on postman and import the collection there and start testing
Once you are connect with your mongodb you will need data for testing right? yes that you can get by running node seeder.js -i and remove using node seeder.js -D if you don't want to use seeder jsust insert the data I have added create apis for that that you can find in postman collection
To start the service just run npm run dev else that you can you can create your own script in package.json