Backend for WolfWR
- Go to the project repository and run "./mvnw clean install"
- This will generate the jar (wolfwr-1.0.0.jar) inside target folder
- Once you have the jar you can run the app using "java -jar wolfwr-1.0.0.jar"
- Now go to "http://localhost:8000/api/swagger-ui/#/" to access the APIs
- Clone the GitHub repository from here. It is a private repository, if you don't have access contact [email protected].
- Import the project as a maven project in your choice of editor (we prefer STS)
- Download & Install lombok.
- Run lombok using java -jar lombok.jar (make sure the version of java is the same as the one used in STS)
- Select the location of your editor of choice.
- For STS
- On MAC
- /Applications/
- On Windows
- Directory where STS is installed
- e.g. C:\ProgramFiles\sts\sts-4.5.1.RELEASE
- On MAC
- Please go to Project -> Clean (Build Automatically) after doing this
- For running select the project in STS and right click → run/debug as → Spring Boot App
- The Application will start running at the port 8000 by default
- You can also open the project via terminal and run "mvn clean install" to generate a jar for the project.
- This will generate a project jar in $Project_Directory/target/
- To run the jar simply run the command "java -jar $path_to_generated_project_jar.jar"
- You might want to use different ports/ database URLs to specify configurations relevant to your setup update $project_directory/src/main/resources/application.yml
- To change the port update the property server.port
- To change the database url/username/password update spring.datasource.url/username/password