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Analyzing max_target_seqs parameter behavior in the BLAST command line tool

All tests described below use NCBI BLAST+ 2.6.0


The following is a companion to the letter to the editor of the Bioinformatics journal ( where we raised the attention to a common mis-understanding of how the BLAST parameter -max_target_seqs operates. Many users assume that this parameter will return the best hit for each query sequence, while in reality this is not the case. We provide here datasets and examples that allow users to reproduce the behavior of BLAST. We specifically focus on the following assertions:

  • The result of running BLAST with -max_target_seqs 1 (presumably the best hit) is not the same as picking the first hit (presumably the best) for a query sequence when running BLAST with default parameters.
  • The result of running BLAST with -max_target_seqs 1 changes depending on the order of sequences in the database.

This behavior of BLAST may impact the accuracy of software that relies on BLAST to correctly retrieve the "best hit" of a query sequence against a database.

We note that, in many cases, BLAST does behave as expected, which explains why these issues are not better known in the bioinformatics community. The problem seems to manifest itself most prominently when the quality of a gapped alignment of two sequences is significantly different than the quality of their ungapped alignment. As such, this problem is likely to most significantly impact sequences generated with 454, IonTorrent, or 3rd generation sequencing technologies, as well as sequences that do not have evolutionarily close neighbors in the database. Also, it is important to stress that the use cases affected by this bug/feature of BLAST are not use cases for which BLAST was originally developed. The concept of "best hit" is not well defined, and depends on the ultimate application domain. Depending on application, the "best hit" may be the sequence with the lowest E-value, or the highest bit score, or the highest percent identity, or the highest database or query sequence coverage. It is unreasonable to expect BLAST to correctly identify the "best hit" irrespective of how it is defined.

We would like to stress that we are not the first to report this issue. It was first reported by Sujai Kumar here: (, and also "amplified" by a blog post from Peter Cock ( We further raised the issue through our letter to the editor because NCBI had taken no steps to educate the bioinformatics community about the potential mis-use of the BLAST tool.

Difference in the BLAST output when using max_target_seqs vs. not using this parameter

For testing this, please download the database file and the query sequences. As a first test, we are demonstrating the impact of using max_target_seqs=1 as a parameter, usually intended to retrieve the "best hit".

makeblastdb -in db.fasta  -out db.fasta  -dbtype nucl
blastn -query example.fasta  -db db.fasta -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -out example_db_top.blast.out
blastn -query example.fasta  -db db.fasta -outfmt 6  -out example_db_full.blast.out

We observe that the first hit for each query sequence is different in both the cases. The first hit for each query sequence from the example_db_full.blast.out (first line, un-restricted blast results) and example_db_top.blast.out (second line, -max_target_seqs 1) are shown below for the query sequences.

S50_7242:pb_10cov_000M-001M     s_1013:COG0088  84.598  870     33      89      423     1258    1       803     0.0     771
S50_7242:pb_10cov_000M-001M     s_15833:COG0185 87.583  451     8       42      2352    2785    1       420     2.40e-135       479

S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_9883:COG0088  86.420  648     35      49      1406    2038    1       610     0.0     660
S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_6114:COG0087  85.065  616     32      55      809     1406    3       576     5.90e-164       573

S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_9886:COG0090  82.671  906     46      101     2118    2995    3       825     0.0     701
S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_401:COG0088   82.232  681     40      73      1154    1818    1       616     2.33e-145       512

S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_1068:COG0092  82.841  880     43      98      12227   13084   1       794     0.0     689
S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_7936:COG0087  82.336  702     38      74      8837    9516    1       638     2.27e-150       531

NC_006448.1-15016:454_5cov_045M-050M    s_16779:COG0087 98.540  137     1       1       1       136     492     628     2.46e-65        243
NC_006448.1-15016:454_5cov_045M-050M    s_7827:COG0088  100.000 130     0       0       161     290     1       130     8.87e-65        241

S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_14626:COG0090 87.126  769     19      74      911     1656    7       718     0.0     798
S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_7931:COG0088  86.025  644     23      62      1       618     195     797     1.42e-180       628

S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_16963:COG0090 84.294  885     49      83      3789    4646    2       823     0.0     782
S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_8639:COG0088  83.639  709     39      72      2762    3452    3       652     3.42e-170       595

S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_10253:COG0201 85.682  1348    63      120     7042    8359    14      1261    0.0     1301
S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_3834:COG0090  84.407  885     51      84      28      883     3       829     0.0     789

S188_1416:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_17130:COG0201 84.922  1479    47      149     5687    7120    1       1348    0.0     1334
S188_1416:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_15600:COG0094 86.311  599     15      63      2224    2801    2       554     2.46e-168       590

S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_1966:COG0201  82.612  1409    94      133     4088    5459    3       1297    0.0     1105
S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_8667:COG0094  86.038  573     24      53      606     1162    3       535     1.06e-160       564

The best BLAST hit changes with the change in the database sequence order

To test this, we created random orders for database sequences and ran the blastn command with max_target_seqs 1 parameter. You can download two such randomly ordered database from (db_rand_1.fasta and db_rand_2.fasta).

makeblastdb -in db_rand_1.fasta  -out db_rand_1.fasta  -dbtype nucl
blastn -query example.fasta  -db db_rand_1.fasta -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -out
makeblastdb -in db_rand_2.fasta  -out db_rand_2.fasta  -dbtype nucl
blastn -query example.fasta  -db db_rand_2.fasta -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -out

We observe that the BLAST hits may change based on the order of sequences in the database. Here, we show some of the changes we observed for this small query dataset.

Comparing (first line, random shuffling of initial database) and example_db_top.blast.out (second line, original database)

S50_7242:pb_10cov_000M-001M     s_2717:COG0088  84.598  870     33      89      423     1258    1       803     0.0     771
S50_7242:pb_10cov_000M-001M     s_15833:COG0185 87.583  451     8       42      2352    2785    1       420     2.40e-135       479

S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_8841:COG0088  86.420  648     35      49      1406    2038    1       610     0.0     660
S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_6114:COG0087  85.065  616     32      55      809     1406    3       576     5.90e-164       573

S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_10644:COG0088 84.476  715     33      71      9530    10227   5       658     0.0     634
S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_7936:COG0087  82.336  702     38      74      8837    9516    1       638     2.27e-150       531

NC_006448.1-15016:454_5cov_045M-050M    s_16540:COG0087 98.540  137     1       1       1       136     492     628     2.46e-65        243
NC_006448.1-15016:454_5cov_045M-050M    s_7827:COG0088  100.000 130     0       0       161     290     1       130     8.87e-65        241

S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_14721:COG0090 87.126  769     19      74      911     1656    7       718     0.0     798
S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_7931:COG0088  86.025  644     23      62      1       618     195     797     1.42e-180       628

S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_5615:COG0090  84.294  885     49      83      3789    4646    2       823     0.0     782
S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_8639:COG0088  83.639  709     39      72      2762    3452    3       652     3.42e-170       595

S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_10253:COG0201 85.682  1348    63      120     7042    8359    14      1261    0.0     1301
S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_3834:COG0090  84.407  885     51      84      28      883     3       829     0.0     789

S188_1416:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_8257:COG0201  85.126  1432    44      143     5687    7073    1       1308    0.0     1308
S188_1416:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_15600:COG0094 86.311  599     15      63      2224    2801    2       554     2.46e-168       590

S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_16228:COG0201 82.553  1410    93      134     4088    5459    3       1297    0.0     1099
S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_8667:COG0094  86.038  573     24      53      606     1162    3       535     1.06e-160       564

Comparing (first line, separate reshuffling of database) and example_db_top.blast.out (second line, original database)

S50_7242:pb_10cov_000M-001M     s_539:COG0088   84.598  870     33      89      423     1258    1       803     0.0     771
S50_7242:pb_10cov_000M-001M     s_15833:COG0185 87.583  451     8       42      2352    2785    1       420     2.40e-135       479

S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_8710:COG0088  86.420  648     35      49      1406    2038    1       610     0.0     660
S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_6114:COG0087  85.065  616     32      55      809     1406    3       576     5.90e-164       573

S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_11826:COG0090 81.678  906     55      101     2118    2995    3       825     0.0     651
S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_401:COG0088   82.232  681     40      73      1154    1818    1       616     2.33e-145       512

S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_16088:COG0092 82.500  880     46      98      12227   13084   1       794     0.0     673
S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_7936:COG0087  82.336  702     38      74      8837    9516    1       638     2.27e-150       531

NC_006448.1-15016:454_5cov_045M-050M    s_8701:COG0087  98.540  137     1       1       1       136     492     628     2.46e-65        243
NC_006448.1-15016:454_5cov_045M-050M    s_7827:COG0088  100.000 130     0       0       161     290     1       130     8.87e-65        241

S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_301:COG0090   87.126  769     19      74      911     1656    7       718     0.0     798
S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_7931:COG0088  86.025  644     23      62      1       618     195     797     1.42e-180       628

S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_606:COG0090   84.294  885     49      83      3789    4646    2       823     0.0     782
S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_8639:COG0088  83.639  709     39      72      2762    3452    3       652     3.42e-170       595

S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_8271:COG0201  84.039  1347    87      118     7042    8359    14      1261    0.0     1179
S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_3834:COG0090  84.407  885     51      84      28      883     3       829     0.0     789

S188_1416:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_16648:COG0201 85.126  1432    44      143     5687    7073    1       1308    0.0     1308
S188_1416:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_15600:COG0094 86.311  599     15      63      2224    2801    2       554     2.46e-168       590

S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_2195:COG0201  82.624  1410    92      134     4088    5459    3       1297    0.0     1105
S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_8667:COG0094  86.038  573     24      53      606     1162    3       535     1.06e-160       564

Comparing two different reshufflings of the database: (first line) and (second line)

S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_11826:COG0090 81.678  906     55      101     2118    2995    3       825     0.0     651
S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_16711:COG0088 82.232  681     40      73      1154    1818    1       616     2.33e-145       512

S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_16088:COG0092 82.500  880     46      98      12227   13084   1       794     0.0     673
S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_10644:COG0088 84.476  715     33      71      9530    10227   5       658     0.0     634

S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_8271:COG0201  84.039  1347    87      118     7042    8359    14      1261    0.0     1179
S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_10253:COG0201 85.682  1348    63      120     7042    8359    14      1261    0.0     1301

S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_2195:COG0201  82.624  1410    92      134     4088    5459    3       1297    0.0     1105
S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_16228:COG0201 82.553  1410    93      134     4088    5459    3       1297    0.0     1099

How does BLAST define "best hit"?

When running BLAST with default parameters, the output is broadly sorted in descending order of bitscore, and equivalently, increasing order of E-value (note that the actual order is impacted by the number of high-scoring pairs found between two sequences, as well as the implicit or explicity cutoff for the max_target_seqs parameter).

blastn -query example.fasta  -db db.fasta -outfmt 6  -out example_db_full.blast.out
sort -k1,1 -k 12,12nr example_db_full.blast.out > sorted_bitscore_example_db_full.blast.out

Comparing example_db_full.blast.out and sorted_bitscore_example_db_full.blast.out, they have identical order of hits for all query sequences.

However, it is not clear when we use max_target_seqs parameter, what is the "best hit" selection criteria. Our analysis shows that the best hit that BLAST returns when using max_target_seqs does not match either the highest bit score, nor the highest percent identity.

blastn -query example.fasta  -db db.fasta -outfmt 6 -max_target_seqs 1 -out example_db_top.blast.out
blastn -query example.fasta  -db db.fasta -outfmt 6  -out example_db_full.blast.out
sort -k1,1 -k 12,12nr example_db_full.blast.out > sorted_bitscore_example_db_full.blast.out
sort -k1,1 -k3,3nr example_db_full.blast.out > sorted_percent_identity_example_db_full.blast.out

Comparing sorted_bitscore_example_db_full.blast.out (first line, highest bitscore) and example_db_top.blast.out (second line, max_target_seqs 1)

NC_006448.1-15016:454_5cov_045M-050M    s_10633:COG0087 98.540  137     1       1       1       136     492     628     2.46e-65        243
NC_006448.1-15016:454_5cov_045M-050M    s_7827:COG0088  100.000 130     0       0       161     290     1       130     8.87e-65        241

S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_1966:COG0201  82.612  1409    94      133     4088    5459    3       1297    0.0     1105
S1170_2543:pb_10cov_011M-012M   s_8667:COG0094  86.038  573     24      53      606     1162    3       535     1.06e-160       564

S188_1416:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_14987:COG0201 84.922  1479    47      149     5687    7120    1       1348    0.0     1334
S188_1416:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_15600:COG0094 86.311  599     15      63      2224    2801    2       554     2.46e-168       590

S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_10249:COG0090 84.294  885     49      83      3789    4646    2       823     0.0     782
S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_8639:COG0088  83.639  709     39      72      2762    3452    3       652     3.42e-170       595

S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_12233:COG0088 86.420  648     35      49      1406    2038    1       610     0.0     660
S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_6114:COG0087  85.065  616     32      55      809     1406    3       576     5.90e-164       573

S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_1068:COG0092  82.841  880     43      98      12227   13084   1       794     0.0     689
S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_7936:COG0087  82.336  702     38      74      8837    9516    1       638     2.27e-150       531

S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_11713:COG0090 82.671  906     46      101     2118    2995    3       825     0.0     701
S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_401:COG0088   82.232  681     40      73      1154    1818    1       616     2.33e-145       512

S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_10253:COG0201 85.682  1348    63      120     7042    8359    14      1261    0.0     1301
S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_3834:COG0090  84.407  885     51      84      28      883     3       829     0.0     789

S50_7242:pb_10cov_000M-001M     s_1013:COG0088  84.598  870     33      89      423     1258    1       803     0.0     771
S50_7242:pb_10cov_000M-001M     s_15833:COG0185 87.583  451     8       42      2352    2785    1       420     2.40e-135       479

S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_11999:COG0090 87.126  769     19      74      911     1656    7       718     0.0     798
S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_7931:COG0088  86.025  644     23      62      1       618     195     797     1.42e-180       628

Comparing sorted_percent_identity_example_db_full.blast.out (first line, highest % identity) and example_db_top.blast.out (second line, max_target_seqs 1)

S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_10249:COG0090 84.294  885     49      83      3789    4646    2       823     0.0     782
S190_1420:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_8639:COG0088  83.639  709     39      72      2762    3452    3       652     3.42e-170       595

S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_12233:COG0088 86.420  648     35      49      1406    2038    1       610     0.0     660
S208_335:pb_10cov_001M-002M     s_6114:COG0087  85.065  616     32      55      809     1406    3       576     5.90e-164       573

S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_1481:COG0088  88.525  61      4       3       9726    9786    182     239     5.95e-12        71.3
S2153_228:pb_10cov_022M-023M    s_7936:COG0087  82.336  702     38      74      8837    9516    1       638     2.27e-150       531

S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_10265:COG0088 82.819  681     36      73      1154    1818    1       616     4.98e-152       534
S216_4030:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_401:COG0088   82.232  681     40      73      1154    1818    1       616     2.33e-145       512

S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_3760:COG0197  86.313  453     28      33      2348    2792    1       427     6.26e-130       462
S232_2558:pb_10cov_001M-002M    s_3834:COG0090  84.407  885     51      84      28      883     3       829     0.0     789

S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_11999:COG0090 87.126  769     19      74      911     1656    7       718     0.0     798
S52_804:pb_10cov_000M-001M      s_7931:COG0088  86.025  644     23      62      1       618     195     797     1.42e-180       628


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