Flashy is a small library that extends LiveView's flash support to function and live components.
First add Flashy
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:flashy, "~> 0.2.7"}
Now, inside assets/js/app.js
, add flashy
import FlashyHooks from "flashy"
// if you don't have any other hooks:
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken}, hooks: FlashyHooks})
// if you have other hooks:
const hooks = {
MyHook: {
// ...
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket("/live", Socket, {params: {_csrf_token: csrfToken}, hooks})
Now, inside assets/tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
content: [
"../deps/flashy/**/*.*ex", // <-- Add this line
Now go to your web file lib/<your_app>_web.ex
and add the following to html_helpers
defp html_helpers do
quote do
# Add Flash notifications functionality
import Flashy
Finally, you need to update your lib/<your_app>_web/components/layouts/app.html.heex
Replace the line:
<.flash_group flash={@flash} />
<Flashy.Container.render flash={@flash} />
also has a hook that can be added to LiveViews
to make it easier to send notifications from a LiveComponent
to a LiveView
when no navigation is happening.
First, we need to add the hook to a LiveView
live_session :my_session, on_mount: [Flashy.Hook] do
Now, inside any LiveComponent
, we can send a notification to the LiveView
like this:
notification = Notification.Normal.new(:success, "some notification")
socket = send_notification(socket, notification)
If you want to also use Flashy
with controllers outside LiveView
, first you need to go to your web file lib/<your_app>_web.ex
and add the following to controller
defp controller do
quote do
# Add Flash notifications functionality
import Flashy
Now, inside any Controller
, we can send a notification like this:
def index(conn, _) do
notification = Notifications.Normal.new(:info, "some notification")
conn |> put_notification(notification) |> render(:index)
Now we need to, at least, implement the disconnected notification. Flashy
doesn't come with any pre-defined disconnected notification design, so you need to implement it yourself.
Here is an example of one implementation using PetalComponents
defmodule MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Disconnected do
@moduledoc false
use MyProjectWeb, :html
use Flashy.Disconnected
import PetalComponents.Alert
attr :key, :string, required: true
def render(assigns) do
<Flashy.Disconnected.render key={@key}>
<.alert with_icon color="danger" heading="We can't find the internet">
Attempting to reconnect <Heroicons.arrow_path class="ml-1 w-3 h-3 inline animate-spin" />
Now you need to set the following config so Flashy
knows what disconnected component we should use, to do that, in your config/config.exs
add the following:
config :flashy,
disconnected_module: MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Disconnected
Now we are all set, Flashy
is ready to be used.
Above we setup a disconnected component which is mandatory, but you probably want to have a "normal" notification to use for simple messages.
ships with a base implementation for a notification like that, it supports timed auto-hide with progress bar and showing or not a close button.
To implement it you just need to define how to render its body, similar to how we did with the disconnected component. Here is an example using PetalComponents
defmodule MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Normal do
@moduledoc false
use MyProjectWeb, :html
use Flashy.Normal, types: [:info, :success, :warning, :danger]
import PetalComponents.Alert
attr :key, :string, required: true
attr :notification, Flashy.Normal, required: true
def render(assigns) do
<Flashy.Normal.render key={@key} notification={@notification}>
close_button_properties={close_button_properties(@notification.options, @key)}
class="relative overflow-hidden"
<span><%= Phoenix.HTML.raw(@notification.message) %></span>
<.progress_bar :if={@notification.options.dismissible?} id={"#{@key}-progress"} />
attr :id, :string, required: true
defp progress_bar(assigns) do
<div id={@id} class="absolute bottom-0 left-0 h-1 bg-black/10" style="width: 0%" />
defp color(type), do: to_string(type)
defp close_button_properties(%{closable?: true}, key),
do: ["phx-click": JS.exec("data-hide", to: "##{key}")]
defp close_button_properties(%{closable?: false}, _), do: nil
Note that you can set any types
you want to the normal component, you just need to add it to the types
list when calling use Flashy.Normal
use Flashy.Normal, types: [:info, :fatal, :some_other_type]
You can also create 100% custom notifications for your needs, for example, Flashy
supports live components when you need to store state or handle events, here I will show a custom notification that will how a form inside with a text input field.
The idea with this notification would be to allow you to create a notification with business logic, for example, if you are creating a chat application, you can have a notification that will allow users to reply to it directly from the notificatio itself.
Here is the implementation:
defmodule MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Custom do
@moduledoc false
alias Flashy.{Component, Helpers}
use MyProjectWeb, :live_component
use TypedStruct
import PetalComponents.{Alert, Input, Button}
typedstruct enforce: true do
field :question, String.t()
field :target_module, module
field :target_id, String.t()
field :component, Component.t()
@spec new(String.t(), module, String.t()) :: t
def new(question, target_module, target_id) do
question: question,
target_module: target_module,
target_id: target_id,
component: Component.new(&live_render/1)
attr :key, :string, required: true
attr :notification, __MODULE__, required: true
attr :rest, :global
def live_render(%{key: key} = assigns) do
assigns = assign(assigns, id: key)
~H"<.live_component module={__MODULE__} {assigns} />"
def update(assigns, socket) do
socket = socket |> assign(assigns) |> assign(form: to_form(%{}))
{:ok, socket}
def handle_event("send_answer", %{"answer" => answer}, socket) do
%{id: id, notification: %{target_module: module, target_id: target_id}} = socket.assigns
send_update(module, id: target_id, answer: answer)
socket = push_event(socket, "js-exec", %{to: "##{id}", attr: "data-hide"})
{:noreply, socket}
def render(assigns) do
<.alert with_icon color="info" class="relative overflow-hidden">
<.form for={@form} phx-submit="send_answer" phx-target={@myself}>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-2">
<div><%= Phoenix.HTML.raw(@notification.question) %></div>
<.input field={@form[:answer]} />
<.button type="submit" label="Answer" />
defimpl Flashy.Protocol, for: MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Custom do
def module(notification), do: notification.component.module
def function_name(notification), do: notification.component.function_name
The main takeaway here is that you always need to generate a struct which implements the Flashy.Protocol
, this is how Flashy
know which component it needs to call to render.
Now that we have Flashy
installed with some notifications, to use it is pretty simple, here are some examples:
Showing a info
normal notification:
alias MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Normal
put_notification(socket, Normal.new(:info, "My <i>cool</i> notification"))
Flashy supports stacked notifications as-well, so you can do something like this:
alias MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Normal
|> put_notification(Normal.new(:info, "My <i>cool</i> notification"))
|> put_notification(Normal.new(:info, "My another <i>cool</i> notification"))
|> put_notification(Normal.new(:danger, "Fatal error notification"))
When using normal notifications, you can also set if they are dimissable and how much time it will be visible:
alias MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Normal
# This option means the notification will never auto-hide,
# the user will need to close it via the close button
options_1 = Flashy.Normal.Options.new(dismissible?: false)
# This option means the notification will not show the close button
options_2 = Flashy.Normal.Options.new(closable?: false)
# This option means you can set how much time the notification will show
# before it auto-hides
options_3 = Flashy.Normal.Options.new(dismiss_time: :timer.seconds(2))
|> put_notification(Normal.new(:info, "My <i>cool</i> notification", options_1))
|> put_notification(Normal.new(:info, "My <i>cool</i> notification", options_2))
|> put_notification(Normal.new(:info, "My <i>cool</i> notification", options_3))
Finally, we, of course, can also create notifications with our own custom notifications:
alias MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Custom
put_notification(socket, Custom.new("How are you today?", __MODULE__, id))
You can check how the library works by going to our examples project to see it working in practice.
By default Flashy
notifications will show-up on the top right of the screen. But sometimes your requirements can be different, maybe you want the notifications to show-up on the left side, maybe the way Flashy
default CSS doesn't work well with your project CSS, etc.
uses PhxComponentHelpers
to customize CSS, you can check the library here: https://hexdocs.pm/phx_component_helpers/PhxComponentHelpers.html
allows to fully customize the CSS, as an example, I will show how to move the notifications to the left.
The first place we can change CSS is to the Flashy.Container
component, you can update your lib/<your_app>_web/components/layouts/app.html.heex
file to:
class="!right-0 left-0 !items-end items-start"
With this change, we are replacing right-0
with left-0
and items-end
with items-start
Now, we want to customize our components, first, we will want to create a custom transition that will move from the left to right, let's create a module to add that since they are used by all notification components:
defmodule MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Helpers do
@moduledoc false
alias Phoenix.LiveView.JS
def hide_notification(key) do
to: "##{key}",
transition: {"ease-in duration-300", "translate-x-0", "translate-x-[-100%]"},
time: 300
|> JS.push("lv:clear-flash", value: %{key: key})
def show_notification(key) do
to: "##{key}",
transition: {"ease-in duration-300", "translate-x-[-100%]", "translate-x-0"},
time: 300
Now let's start changing our components, let's start with the Disconnected
First we add the alias to our new helper:
alias MyProjectWeb.Components.Notifications.Helpers
Then, inside the render
function, we change the way we call Flashy
disconnected render:
class="!pr-3 pl-3 !translate-x-full translate-x-[-100%]"
What we are doing here is customize the CSS and the JS actions.
For the CSS, we replaced !pr-3
with pl-3
and translate-x-full
with translate-x-[-100$]
For the JS actions, we are using the ones for our helper instead of Flashy
built-in ones.
Now, let's do the same for the Normal
alias FlashyExampleWeb.Components.Notifications.Helpers
class="!pr-3 pl-3 !translate-x-full translate-x-[-100%]"
It is exactly the same changes are the Disconnected
component above.
Finally, we will also update our Custom
On that one we are importing Flashy
built-in helpers, se we will replace that with ours:
alias FlashyExampleWeb.Components.Notifications.Helpers
alias Flashy.Component
Now we just need to update the component CSS as-well.
In this case we are not using PhxComponentHelpers
, so we will just implement the full class directly:
class={"pointer-events-auto pl-3 select-none drop-shadow flex items-center translate-x-[-100%] hidden"}
After these changes, your notifications will show up on the left: