The bugtracker YouTrack provides a REST-API. Because a lot of web applications are written in PHP I decided to write a client library for it. To make it easier for developers to write connectors to YouTrack.
The initial development was sponsored by Telematika GmbH. The current development is made by nepda.
The source of this library is released under the BSD license (see LICENSE for details).
- PHP >= 5.4 (Tested with >= 5.5, Travis runs tests with 5.4, 5.5 and 5.6)
- curl
- simplexml
- json
- YouTrack 3.0+ with REST-API enabled (currently, the production system runs with YouTrack 6.0)
- A lot of new methods added (updateIssue, deleteIssue, createAttachment, importAttachment, importLinks, importIssues, importWorkitems, getWorkitems)
- Merged #7 from REDLINK/fix-createIssue
- Merged #8 from REDLINK/replace-urlencode-with-rawurlencode
- Merged #9 from REDLINK/feature-createAttachment
- Merged #10 from REDLINK/set-mimetype
- Merged #12 from REDLINK/feature-newIssueMethods
- Merged #6 'Fetch issues by filter only + with comments'. Thanks @chabberwock
(Please look into CHANGELOG for a complete list of the past releases)
$youtrack = new \YouTrack\Connection("", "login", "password");
$issue = $youtrack->getIssue("TEST-1");
See ./examples
folder for more usage examples.
In your /init_autoloader.php
// ... snip
if ($zf2Path) {
if (isset($loader)) {
$loader->add('Zend', $zf2Path);
} else {
include $zf2Path . '/Zend/Loader/AutoloaderFactory.php';
'Zend\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => array(
'autoregister_zf' => true,
'namespaces' => [ // add this
'YouTrack' => 'vendor/YouTrack' // ...
], // ...
// ... snip
From now on you can use YouTrack-Client-PHP-Library from any file in you ZF2-App.
// ...
// example
use YouTrack\Connection as YouTrackConnection;
class ExampleController extends AbstractActionController
public function anyAction()
$youtrack = new YouTrackConnection("", "login", "password");
$issue = $youtrack->getIssue("TEST-1");
// ...
The testsuite depends on PHPUnit. You can install it with composer.phar
curl -sS | php --
php composer.phar install
The unit tests are incomplete but you can run them using phpunit
like this:
./vendor/bin/phpunit ./test
(and more: