HTML5 Canvas+SVG vector map viewer. Pure JavaScript and serverless. It uses Proj4js transformations. Supported projections:
- espg:4326, longlat;
- epsg:3875, Mercator projection;
- mill, Miller Cylindrical projection;
- laea, Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area;
- nsper, General Vertical Near-Side Perspective projection (missing in original Proj4js code, ported from gctpc project);
- ortho, Orthographic projection;
- moll, Mollweide projection.
Starry Sky demo include satellite-js module.
Demos at
Docs in wiki at
Simply download and unpack an archive, open index.html from demo folder in any browser with HTML5 support.
- drag to move map;
- use Ctrl+Left-Mouse-Button to draw zoom box;
- use mouse wheel or right bar buttons to zoom;
- touch support (move, zoom) on Tablet PC.
Mercator Projection:
Mollweide Projection:
Starry Sky. Featured, copmlicated demo like Orbitron, Marble, Xephem but more lightweight.
Moscow Rail Map:
Image Viewer: