NUS Hack&Roll 2023: Team 8 - Pink Mouse: NUS Sentiment
- Status: 🟩 WIN - Coreteam's Best Roll
- Read More: Devpost
git clone [email protected]:nus-sentiment/nus-sentiment.git
cd nus-sentiment
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the entrypoint
streamlit run
In /.streamlit/secrets.toml
deta_key = "< key>"
SECRET_KEY = "<reddit secrets key>"
ACCESS_TOKEN = "<reddit access token>"
PINECONE_KEY = "<pinecone api key>
USERNAME = "<reddit username>"
PASSWORD = "<reddit password>"
You can choose to omit USERNAME
. If you choose to do so remove these attributes from the PRAW
Reddit object in utils/