Simple script designed for "home" use to update multiply docker containers. Script should be run from same directory as docker-compose configuration files are contained in. It also support building images from docker file + docker-compose file.
Env files are also supported, when env file with same name as ".yaml" file is present script will use it with docekr-compose, e.g. MySQL.env + MySQL.yaml in same directory (script will show info about that).
- Run script to update all containers (files with "!" as prefix are ignored): ./
- Run script providing a single file name to update only that container (files with "!" are NOT ignored): ./ NextCloud.yaml (extension can be omitted)
Containers (by default):
- that don't require update (no changes found) will not be restarted.
- that are in state stopped/created will be updated but not started.
- Directory contains:, NextCloud.yaml, Nextcloud.dockerfile, MySQL.yaml
- Run: ./
- Result: Create or update (with build from docker file) NextCloud, Create or update (without build) MySQL
- Directory contains:, NextCloud.yaml, Nextcloud.dockerfile, MySQL.yaml
- Run: ./ MySQL.yaml
- Result: Create or update (without build) only MySQL (can contain multiply containers)
- Extension ".yaml" can be omitted
-h, --help - Help message
-c - check only, it will pull images without updating running containers, in this mode there is no cleanup (ignores -r0, -r1, -r2, -rv, -ri, -po)
-r0, -r1, -r2 - cleanup options, r0 - no cleanup, r1 - cleanup on script finish, r2 - cleanup after every update (useful when low on disk space)
-rv - cleanup only volumes (works with -r1 and -r2)
-ri - cleanup only images (works with -r1 and -r2)
-po - "pulled only" update containers that have already pulled images only, can be used after first running script with -c\
Default is: -r1 (both unused images and volumes will be removed)
Yaml file can contain multiply containers definition, it can also contain "image" node or "build" node, e.g.:
image: nodered/node-red
context: ./
dockerfile: Nextcloud.dockerfile
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