A Simple LED Blinker example
A small firmware that use 3 PWM channels and fades an RGB led.
A small setup to implement the millis() function. Often used in Arduino scripts.
Firmware using a small SSD1306 OLED display. It is running using i2c protocol. The Minimal i2c Library is included it uses Bitbanging on PB3 (SDA) and PB4 (SCL).
This snippet show how to fetch temperature and humidity data from an I2C temperature sensor. The sensor is a Texas Instrument HDC1080
Firmware Running a few second and then going to sleep. You can wake it up using a button on pin 5 (PB0). It will alternate between Deep Sleep and Idle state.
Power Measurements :
- Running at 1MHz: 1.23mA (+20ma if the led is plugged)
- Running at 8MHz: 4.35mA (+20ma if the led is plugged)
- Sleep Idle : 814uA
- Deep Sleep : 235uA
There are all the include files provided by avr-gcc. When I installed it on my computer it went to
When compiling for an Attiny85, the include you want to see are :
- iotn85.h
- iotnx5.h
Access to the AVR single bit set and clear instructions are provided via the standard C bit manipulation
commands. The sbi and cbi macros are no longer directly supported.
sbi (sfr,bit) can be replaced by sfr |= _BV(bit) .
i.e.: sbi(PORTB, PB1); is now PORTB |= _BV(PB1);
This actually is more flexible than having sbi directly, as the optimizer will use a hardware sbi if
appropriate, or a read/or/write operation if not appropriate. You do not need to keep track of which
registers sbi/cbi will operate on.
Likewise, cbi (sfr,bit) is now sfr &= ~(_BV(bit));