Use this URL to add videos or list them
Set the MONGO_HOSTNAME, MONGO_PORT, MONGO_USER, and MONGO_PASS environment variables to point to the cloud hosted mongo server.
On Mac OS you can set these in the .env file and then source them locally for testing with this
export $(cat .env | xargs)
Otherwise run each of these separately
export MONGO_USER=admin
export MONGO_PASS=<normalpassword>
We have a composed docker image that will start the local mongo database and UI server at the same time but it's not currently persisting files between restart. TODO! Run locally with
docker compose build
docker compose up
In our Heroku environment we're pointing to our mongo database in atlas:
Make sure the two environment variables MONGO_HOSTNAME and MONGO_PORT are set on that heroku project. By default it's and 27017 respectively
Deploy to Heroku for testing
heroku login
heroku git:remote -a barbers-hill-video-server
git add .
git commit -m 'HEROKU'
git push heroku main
heroku config:set
heroku config:set MONGO_USER=admin
heroku config:set MONGO_PASS=<normalpassword>
You can then hit the server at
Install mongodb database tools:
Dump the remote db:
mongodump --uri "<url from the server console when starting pointing to remote db>"
Delete the local db
Restore to local db:
test more than 20 videos to make sure they display from mongo Add uploading message while video is uploading