Copy local_config.dist.h
to local_config.h
and configure to your needs.
is ignored by git your secrets are safe there.
- ledMatrix/text: A UTF-8 coded text, max. 4096 bytes long.
- ledMatrix/intensity: 0 = lowest, 15 = highest. Default: 1.
- ledMatrix/delay: 1 = fastest, 1000 = slowest scrolling. Default: 25, 0 for static text.
- ledMatrix/blink: 0 = no blinking; 1 = fastest, 1000 = slowest blinking. Default: 0
- ledMatrix/enable: 0 = display off, 1 = display on. Default: 1
- ledMatrix/status: startup, reconnect, repeat, offline
Connect your display's X pin to your controller's Y pin:
- Data IN to MOSI
- CLK to SCK
- CS to any digial port except MISO or SS
See for more information