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cuill committed Jan 2, 2024
1 parent 5cc2da7 commit 789cbe3
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Showing 43 changed files with 9,457 additions and 0 deletions.

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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Climatology data
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
import os
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import glob
import argparse
import json

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from netCDF4 import Dataset

def read_featureID_file(filename):

with open(filename) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
feature_ids = []
for line in lines:
return feature_ids

def write_th_file(dataset, timeinterval, fname, issource=True):

data = []
for values, interval in zip(dataset, timeinterval):
if issource:
data.append(" ".join([f"{interval:G}", *[f'{x: .4f}' for x in values], '\n']))
data.append(" ".join([f"{interval:G}", *[f'{-x: .4f}' for x in values], '\n']))

with open(fname, 'w+') as fid:

def write_mth_file(temp, salinity, timeinterval, fname):

data = []
for interval in timeinterval:
data.append(" ".join([f"{interval:G}", *[f'{x: .4f}' for x in temp], '\n']))
for interval in timeinterval:
data.append(" ".join([f"{interval:G}", *[f'{x: .4f}' for x in salinity], '\n']))

with open(fname, 'w+') as fid:

def get_aggregated_features(nc_feature_id, features):

aggregated_features = []
for source_feats in features:

for feature in aggregated_features:
idx=np.where(nc_feature_id == int(feature))[0]

in_file_2 = []
sidx = 0
for source_feats in features:
eidx = sidx + len(source_feats)
sidx = eidx
return in_file_2

def streamflow_lookup(file, indexes, threshold=-1e-5):
nc = Dataset(file)
streamflow = nc["streamflow"][:]
streamflow[np.where(streamflow < threshold)] = 0.0
#change masked value to zero
streamflow[np.where(streamflow.mask)] = 0.0
data = []
for indxs in indexes:
# Note: Dataset already consideres scale factor and offset.
return data

if __name__ == '__main__':
Usage: python "yyyy-mm-dd" or "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss"
Inputs are:
1. sources_{conus, alaska, hawaii}_global.json
sinks_{conus, alaska, hawaii}_global.json
2. climatology file "Dai_Trenberth_climatology_1990-2018_hourly.csv"
3. work direcotry "basepath"
4. cached/ (all nwm netcdf files)

#input paramters
#argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#argparser.add_argument('date', type=datetime.fromisoformat, help='input file date')
#startdate = - timedelta(days=1)
date = - timedelta(days=1)
startdate = datetime(date.year, date.month,
print(f'startdate is {startdate}')

#1. region name
layers = ['conus', 'alaska', 'hawaii']

clima_filename = 'Dai_Trenberth_climatology_1990-2018_hourly.csv'

#3. base path
basepath = '/home1/06923/hyu05/work/oper_3D_Pac/river/NWM'

#generate timevector
rnday = timedelta(days=3)
timevector1 = np.arange(startdate, rnday-timedelta(days=1), timedelta(days=1)).astype(datetime)
timevector2 = np.arange(startdate, rnday+timedelta(hours=1), timedelta(hours=1)).astype(datetime)

sources_all = {}
sinks_all = {}
eid_sources = []
eid_sinks = []
times = []
dates = []

for layer in layers:
print(f'layer is {layer}')
fname_source = f'./sources_{layer}_global.json'
fname_sink = f'./sinks_{layer}_global.json'
sources_fid = json.load(open(fname_source))
sinks_fid = json.load(open(fname_sink))

#add to the final list

#link data
files = glob.glob(f'./cached/nwm*.{layer}.nc')
#remove old files
if files is not None:
print('Remove old files')
for f in files:
except OSError as e:
print("Error: %s : %s" % (f, e.strerror))

#link new data
for i, date in enumerate(timevector2):
if i == 0:
date2 = timevector1[0] - timedelta(days=1)
if layer == 'conus' or layer == 'alaska':
src = f'{basepath}/{date2.strftime("%Y%m%d")}/nwm.t00z.medium_range.channel_rt_1.f024.{layer}.nc'
elif layer == 'hawaii':
src = f'{basepath}/{date2.strftime("%Y%m%d")}/nwm.t00z.short_range.channel_rt.f02400.{layer}.nc'
elif i >= 1 and i <= 24:
date2 = timevector1[0]
if i == 24:
it = f'{int(date.hour)+24:03d}'
it = f'{int(date.hour):03d}'
if layer == 'conus' or layer == 'alaska':
src = f'{basepath}/{date2.strftime("%Y%m%d")}/nwm.t00z.medium_range.channel_rt_1.f{it}.{layer}.nc'
elif layer == 'hawaii':
src = f'{basepath}/{date2.strftime("%Y%m%d")}/nwm.t00z.short_range.channel_rt.f{it}00.{layer}.nc'
date2 = timevector1[1]
if i >= 25 and i <= 47:
it = f'{int(date.hour):03d}'
elif i >= 48 and i <= 71:
it = f'{int(date.hour)+24:03d}'
it = f'{int(date.hour)+48:03d}'
if layer == 'conus' or layer == 'alaska':
src = f'{basepath}/{date2.strftime("%Y%m%d")}/nwm.t00z.medium_range.channel_rt_1.f{it}.{layer}.nc'
elif layer == 'hawaii':
src = f'{basepath}/{date2.strftime("%Y%m%d")}/nwm.t00z.short_range.channel_rt.f{it}00.{layer}.nc'
dst = f'{basepath}/cached/nwm.t00z.{date.strftime("%Y%m%d%H")}.{layer}.nc'
os.symlink(src, dst)

files = glob.glob(f'./cached/nwm*.{layer}.nc')
print(f'file 0 is {files[0]}')
nc_fid0 = Dataset(files[0])["feature_id"][:]
src_idxs = get_aggregated_features(nc_fid0, sources_fid.values())
snk_idxs = get_aggregated_features(nc_fid0, sinks_fid.values())

sources = []
sinks = []
for fname in files:
ds = Dataset(fname)
if not np.all(ncfeatureid == nc_fid0):
print(f'Indexes of feature_id are changed in {fname}')
src_idxs=get_aggregated_features(ncfeatureid, sources_fid.values())
snk_idxs=get_aggregated_features(ncfeatureid, sinks_fid.values())
nc_fid0 = ncfeatureid

sources.append(streamflow_lookup(fname, src_idxs))
sinks.append(streamflow_lookup(fname, snk_idxs))

model_time = datetime.strptime(ds.model_output_valid_time, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S")
if layer == 'conus':
times.append((model_time - startdate).total_seconds())
sources_all[layer] = np.array(sources)
sinks_all[layer] = np.array(sinks)

sources = np.concatenate((sources_all['conus'], sources_all['alaska'], sources_all['hawaii']), axis=1)
sinks = np.concatenate((sinks_all['conus'], sinks_all['alaska'], sinks_all['hawaii']), axis=1)

#combine with Dai_Trenberth_climatology
df = pd.read_csv(clima_filename)
df.set_index('date', inplace=True)
mask = (pd.to_datetime(df.index) >= dates[0]) & (pd.to_datetime(df.index) <=dates[-1])
df_forecast = df[mask]
df_nwm = pd.DataFrame(data=sources, columns=np.array(eid_sources), index=np.array(dates))
df_nwm_transposed = df_nwm.T
df_forecast_transposed = df_forecast.T

#concat two dataframe

df_source = pd.concat([df_nwm_transposed, df_forecast_transposed])

#Combine redundatn elem
df_source_final = df_source.groupby(by='index', sort=False).sum()

#write to file
sources2 = df_source_final.T.values
write_th_file(sources2, times, '', issource=True)
write_th_file(sinks, times, '', issource=False)

eid_sources2 = df_source_final.index.values
nsource = eid_sources2.shape[0]
print(f'nsource is {nsource}')
#temp = np.full(nsource, -9999.0)
#salt = np.full(nsource, 30.0)
#write_mth_file(temp, salt, times, '')

nsink = np.array(eid_sinks).shape[0]
with open('', 'w+') as f:
f.write('{:<d} \n'.format(nsource))
for eid in eid_sources2:
f.write('{:<d} \n'.format(int(eid)))

f.write('{:<d} \n'.format(nsink))
for eid in eid_sinks:
f.write('{:<d} \n'.format(int(eid)))
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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{"4970634": [19020190110298, 19020190110283, 19020190110287], "4658244": [75004300002295], "4828060": [75004200014896, 75004200016417, 75004200004851, 75004200015918], "4436098": [75000200013037], "4970636": [19020190110328], "4851922": [75004200010120, 75004200013811, 75004200013811], "4797133": [75004200007016, 75004200005674, 75004200005400, 75004200015984], "4909493": [75004200001257], "4960991": [19020209002055], "4956345": [19020209002057], "4871574": [19020209002066], "4857721": [75004200013390, 75004200011542], "4387430": [75000100003120], "4637946": [75005400005141, 75005400005141], "4828062": [75004200014900, 75004200010896, 75004200016423, 75004200010897], "4992853": [19020190094050, 19020190094083, 19020190094104, 19020190094167, 19020190094220, 19020190094261, 19020190094339, 19020190094397], "4977905": [19020190106356, 19020190106357], "4710962": [75005400027562], "5023817": [19020190106389, 19020190106404, 19020190106476], "4912010": [75004200005473, 75004200005958, 75004200007782], "5007246": [19020190102313, 19020190102575], "4384024": [75000100002519], "4977909": [19020190108460, 19020190108905, 19020190108233], "4821876": [75004200012312], "4837108": [75004200001488, 75004200004692, 75004200012758], "4851928": [75004200015469, 75004200004424, 75004200002637, 75004200004421], "4834103": [75004200010330], "4970630": [19020190098304, 19020190098752, 19020190098752], "4951618": [19020209002328], "4997642": [19020190098372, 19020190098419, 19020190096406, 19020190097797], "4619119": [75005400009385, 75005400033132, 75005400033131, 75005400027161], "4954012": [19020209002369], "4612841": [75005400002094], "4703786": [75005400039449, 75005400039449], "4918914": [19020209002414], "5023823": [19020190106673, 19020190106975, 19020190107201, 19020190107202], "4857720": [75004200015236], "4918915": [19020209002496], "4973032": [19020190102634, 19020190102842], "4975435": [19020190102641, 19020190102850, 19020190103128], "4990426": [19020190094480, 19020190094487, 19020190094498, 19020190094631, 19020190094779, 19020190094780, 19020190094878], "4977884": [19020190094486, 19020190094486], "5012126": [19020190102689], "5000043": [19020190100644, 19020190100965, 19020190100966, 19020190100997, 19020190101000, 19020190101012, 19020190101118, 19020190101946], "4803394": [75004200015955], "4821873": [75004200015958, 75004200008548], "4445393": [75000200005256, 75000200005256], "4634785": [75005400034828], "4851927": [75004200015422], "5002441": [19020190102790], "4849008": [75004200008313], "4834100": [75004200015715], "4882763": [19020209000691, 19020209000691], "5007242": [19020190100872, 19020190101739, 19020190101950, 19020190102017], "4912008": [75004200015171, 75004200013306], "5016846": [19020190104988, 19020190105195, 19020190105203, 19020190105209, 19020190105225, 19020190105286, 19020190105300, 19020190105399, 19020190105528], "4926489": [19020209000760], "4912004": [19020209002865], "4439194": [75000200015573, 75000200015573], "4923975": [19020209002890], "4911535": [19020209000848], "4445394": [75000200015474, 75000200002697], "4612822": [75005400014559], "5023825": [19020190109244], "4929207": [19020209002978, 19020209002980], "4825017": [75004200010424], "4921443": [19020209002994], "4929218": [19020209003001], "4442293": [75000200002699], "4631651": [75005400015652], "4923973": [19020209003020], "4615964": [75005400038913, 75005400026924], "4929653": [19020209003058], "4965791": [19020190101156], "4936902": [19020209003070], "4956386": [19020209003084], "4831103": [75004200004546, 75004200005592], "5004836": [19020190103356, 19020190103459], "4916446": [19020209001192, 19020209001200], "5014511": [19020190103381], "4718029": [75005400009950], "4600757": [75004500000035, 75004500000152], "5026102": [19020190109588, 19020190109604], "4634849": [75004500000176], "4603859": [75004500000073], "4240511": [75000400000018], "4890936": [19020209001340], "4644459": [75004500000126], "4638019": [75004500000174], "4898795": [19020209001378, 19020209001386], "4603871": [75004500000149], "5007261": [19020190091297], "4901375": [19020209001418], "5007251": [19020190103626], "4901351": [19020209001439], "4644463": [75004500000092], "4982882": [19020190095456], "4668496": [75004300006599, 75004300006599], "4871566": [19020209001573], "4953956": [19020209001619], "4987865": [19020190093572], "4975437": [19020190097694], "5007244": [19020190099769, 19020190099769], "4834127": [75004200013826], "4982884": [19020190093649], "4958643": [19020209001711], "4882784": [19020209001734], "4975444": [19020190105971], "4828063": [75004200003600], "4854847": [75004200009820], "4977910": [19020190108082], "5021515": [19020190106185]}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"5605090": [23833453], "5478931": [23909591], "5605167": [23834127], "5466112": [23910085], "5470422": [23910129], "5474461": [8317367], "5475175": [8317409, 8316869], "4507502": [2785487], "5530602": [23865354], "4045720": [2785455], "4076959": [2785461], "5181107": [20359138, 20359346], "4852907": [2785513], "5532603": [23866220], "5532957": [23866344], "4385144": [2784697], "5673212": [23815100], "3831587": [2785637], "5596055": [23833295], "5226520": [20362621], "4858672": [2785519], "5598537": [23833001], "5596219": [23833805], "5615618": [24520390], "5615747": [24520402], "5615876": [24520402], "5615749": [24520402], "5597481": [23833869], "5619647": [24248484], "5577862": [23832763], "5576239": [23832767], "5578706": [23832895], "5581665": [23871215], "4907456": [17693921], "4971592": [1670483], "4969207": [1670483], "5679735": [17693935], "5679731": [17693935], "4878279": [17693945], "4894598": [17693945], "4881076": [17693945], "4537637": [15048277], "4573851": [15048277], "4458668": [15048251], "5500001": [24001179], "5503018": [23880632], "4694594": [2788515], "4655870": [2788515], "5576236": [23833229], "5576093": [23833229], "5679501": [2788361], "5510341": [23886126], "4611363": [2788359], "5679719": [17695611], "4855513": [17695611], "4828931": [17695611], "5679724": [17695611], "5506420": [23838450], "5482318": [4438274], "4608003": [2787611], "4589272": [2787611], "5673901": [23736165], "5673422": [23736171], "5673385": [23736171], "5606410": [24520820], "5606616": [24520880], "5623873": [24521530], "5624535": [24521530], "5623084": [24521530], "5623603": [24521530], "4683809": [2788557], "4673371": [2788385], "4705417": [2788393], "4669514": [2788517], "4652623": [2788517], "4669513": [2788517], "4683810": [2788517], "5679534": [2788517], "4522471": [163864212], "5621191": [24521426], "5591636": [23834151], "5257503": [17590146], "5604277": [23833481]}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
{"4060960": [800007883], "4015271": [800006935, 800006934], "4010580": [800002348, 800004607, 800002353, 800002351, 800006915], "4005886": [800004596, 800011345, 800000082, 800009131, 800004597, 800006904, 800011357, 800011355, 800009137, 800006901, 800011344, 800006895, 800006899], "4082964": [800012378], "4015310": [800009580, 800009580], "4082956": [800016767], "4038386": [800000434], "4082950": [800005576], "4038434": [800005270, 800014189], "4010582": [800015802], "4038394": [800014105], "4060989": [800007545]}

Large diffs are not rendered by default.


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