released this
18 Apr 00:01
Bug fixes
Fixed dimension names for AWS meters.
Fixed registry name of AWS Marketplace.
Fixed to avoid outputting credential information as a log.
Fixed to use getTargetHost() to properly get LEDGER_HOST.
Fixed busybox version in Dockerfile.
Fixed a bug to use the intermediary mode.
Fixed the bound argument of FunctionalInterface for gRPC stub method in ThrowableConsumer and ThrowableFunction.
Fixed AuthenticationMethod to accept "digital-signature".
Fixed Function execution to return its results to clients.
Fixed an unnecessary warning when the specified secret has already been registered.
Fixed TLS-related code and configurations to work properly.
Fixed several configuration issues.
Upgraded org.everit.json.schema to 1.14.2. CVE-2023-5072
Upgraded grpc-health-probe to fix security issues. CVE-2023-39325 GHSA-m425-mq94-257g
Upgraded the base image to fix security issues. CVE-2022-29458 CVE-2022-29458 CVE-2023-4911 CVE-2023-29491 CVE-2023-47038
Upgraded org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on from 1.59 to 1.70 CVE-2023-33201 CVE-2023-33202
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