Mainly, this release candidate ships support for the newly published Scala 2.12 and 2.13 versions, but it also has some new features. We're getting closer to releasing the v1.1.0
What's Changed
- Enrich the debug info with source files for implicit searches by type by @danicheg in #49
- Build scalac-profiling for Scala 2.12.19 by @danicheg in #111
- Build scalac-profiling for Scala 2.13.13 by @danicheg in #112
- Build scalac-profiling against Scala 2.13.14 by @danicheg in #123
- Tweak the approach of publishing the website to GH pages on CI by @danicheg in #92
- Use default repository's token in publishing workflow in CI by @danicheg in #93
- Fix the underlying folder with website artefacts in CI workflow by @danicheg in #94
Behind the scenes
- Update sbt-protoc to 1.0.7 by @scala-center-steward in #95
- Update compilerplugin, scalapb-runtime to 0.11.15 by @scala-center-steward in #96
- Enable auto PR labelling by @danicheg in #98
- Tweak the auto PR labelling by @danicheg in #100
- Yet another tweak to the Labeler GA configuration by @danicheg in #102
- Fix typo by @danicheg in #103
- Fix typo by @danicheg in #104
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.0 by @scala-center-steward in #107
- Update sbt to 1.9.9 by @scala-center-steward in #108
- Update sbt-assembly to 2.2.0 by @scala-center-steward in #114
- Update sbt-buildinfo to 0.12.0 by @scala-center-steward in #115
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.8.1 by @scala-center-steward in #118
Full Changelog: v1.1.0-RC2...v1.1.0-RC3