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Satyajeet’s dotfiles

This repo contains my configuration for emacs, bash and vim. You must have stow installed to make this work.


Run stow <foo> to setup files in directory ./<foo>. For example:

  • setup .bashrc with stow bash
  • setup .emacs.d with stow emacs
  • setup .i3 and .i3status.conf with stow i3
  • setup .vimrc with stow vim

Emacs Configuration

  • This is contained in the ./emacs directory.
  • The entrypoint is .emacs.d/init.el.
  • It does some housekeeping before tangling, compiling and loading
  • is a literate org-mode file containing most of the emacs-lisp configuration.
  • vivid-chalk-theme.el contains custom-theme definition for vivid-chalk ported from the color-theme implementation. Though it has some pending garishness that needs fixing.
  • As is evidenced, this setup relies heavily on org-mode.
  • Package management is provided by package.el, called via use-package.
    • Thus it must be loaded and installed first, before doing anything else.
  • There are some other experimental files which are not included on startup and are yet to be incorporated into the main configuration. (diagnostics.el, rcode.el, minibuffer.el)

Vim Configuration

The .vimrc is present only for archival purposes. It is not maintained.