EN :
ES :
Here are the necessary libraries to make this form, validating them with Javascript takes too long creating the functions for each rule and often becomes a task as necessary as dense. However, Jquery through its validate.js library makes it too easy. First, for this example I will use the version of Jquery 1.11 and the library for validation of forms named in the previous
Php 5.6, MySql, xampp or Wamp
maxlength: check that the number of characters is less than the specified
minlength: verify that the number of characters is greater than the specified
rangelength: check that the number of characters entered is within the specified range, for example rangelength: [50,250]
min: applies to numeric fields, check that at least a value equal to the specified value is entered
max: applies to numeric fields, check that at most a value equal to the specified value is entered
equalTo: it is used to check that the value of two fields is the same, for example the confirmation of a password or mail. Its use would be as follows: confirm_email:{equalTo:”#email”}
url: will verify that the entered value is URL format
email: check that the value entered is in the format of e-mail