This is the monorepo for the submission(s) to the Sandstorm Solana Hackathon
> anchor test --skip-deploy
> anchor localnet
The repo contains
- The program for storing and managing payment of rewards
- Client for indexing repositories and storing information on-chain - TBD
- Remote transaction trigger - TBD
- User profile with defi tools -TBD
- Move "create bounty" dapp to new dapp
- Make sure relayer works as expected
- bounty issue id should be recorded and created
- Create "Connect web2 <-> web3 dapp" - sveltekit
- Relayer: Write unit tests for relayer
- Relayer: Get bounties from contract rather than based on installations
- Dapp: Calculate mint price based on github profile.
- Program: Go through bounty contract and deploy to mainnet
- Relayer: Improve status texts in relayer
- Dapp: Use candy machine to mint NFTs instead as it's cheaper
- Bounties for PRs