The F# web framework designed for clarity and speed
open Wiz.Server
open Wiz.Route
open Wiz.Context
let handler ctx =
ctx |> sendText "Hello, World"
|> setRoutes [get "/" handler]
|> run
Via the .Net CLI:
dotnet add package Wiz
Here is a fully functional server with 2 routes:
module Program
open Wiz.Server
open Wiz.Route
open Wiz.Context
// define route handlers
let handleHome ctx =
|> sendText "Show me some magic!"
let handleSpell ctx =
|> sendText "Abra Kadabra Kalamazoo!"
// map routes to handlers
let routes = [
get "/" handleHome
get "/spell" handleSpell
let main args =
|> setRoutes routes
|> run
Wiz is the result of attentively designing what an F# HTTP server API should look like, and then building that API.
Wiz's goal is to make it SO easy to interface with ASP.NET that its the most developer-friendly HTTP framework in all of .NET. To earn that title, Wiz needs to be well documented, intuitive, easily configurable, and fast as hell.