Mobile-friendly Budget tracking with Google Data Studio, Google Sheets and Google Forms.
- Instead of viewing a bulky google sheet, now you view your expenses/income in a mobile-friendly interface
- User-friendly and smart filtering tools let you filter expenses on the go!
- Comparison metrics can be set up to compare expenses/income to a previous period as well.
Google Data Studio has a really neat integration with Google Sheets. In this project, I use (exploit?) Google Data Studio as my mobile-friendly front-end for my Budget tracking mechanism that I described in my other repo -
If you already have a running expense system like the one I set up above, this will be fairly straight-forward.
- Open this template report - Sammit's Budget Template
- Note: You may need to login to your Google Account for accessing Data Studio. It's free to use for our relatively simple requirements.
- Create a copy by clicking on the "Make a Copy" option on the right menu
- In your copy, you will need to configure your "Data sources" by selecting your own budget sheets.
Note: It may take some tweaking to set up the sheet well for your purpose. Make sure you have your dates configured properly for Data Studio to pick it up. (It follows 9/26/2009 format for dates)