Shader Redstone 3 MANUAL (2019-11-28)
Changes from Shader Redstone 2:
- Improved UI (WIP).
- Full 3D world to edit.
- AA, AO, Vignette and more effects.
- Instant energy propagation through Redstone dust (like Minecraft, allows for accurate clocks).
- Player movement.
- Currently Buffer A Can't compile on Windows because ANGLE's DirectX 9 backend (Used by default on Chrome and Firefox on Windows) doesn't fully implement WebGL 2. It tries to force unroll loops which are impossible to unroll in the pathfinding function.
- Cannot power a stone block using Redstone dust yet except if it's under it, and that's an extra update.
- This was partly inspired by Javascript Redstone Simulator.
- I used RNG code from Hash Without Sine 2 (WebGL 2).
- I used a SDF font code for the UI from Shadertext Proportional Spacing.
- Anything which is bright red is lit and anything which is dark red is unlit.
- Torches are lit by default.
- Dust is unlit by default.
- Energy from torches spreads through dust (OR operator).
- If a stone block is powered, any torch attached to the block will be off (NOT operator).
- You can move around in the XY plane using WASD by default.
- You can zoom up or down using Q and E by default.
- You can move quicker using LSHIFT.
- You can place blocks using F, and remove using R.
- You can switch selected item using LEFT and RIGHT (arrows).
- You can change Z layer using DOWN and UP (arrows).
Output should be true only when both inputs are true.
Output should be true only when either A or B is set to true.