The xWinEventLog module contains the xWinEventLog DSC resource which configures the Windows Event Logs.
Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.
- LogName: Name of the event log.
- MaximumSizeInBytes: Size that the event log file is allowed to be. When the file reaches this maximum size it is considered full.
- IsEnabled: Specifies whether or not logging for the specified log is enabled.
- LogMode: The log mode: { AutoBackup | Circular | Retained }
- SecurityDescriptor: This is an SDDL string which configures access rights to the event log.
- Added support for
- Fixed Set-TargetResource function in xWinEventLog resource not to reapply if resource is in desired state already.
- Initial release with the following resource:
- xWinEventLog
$before = Get-WinEvent -ListLog "Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint/Admin"
Configuration Demo1
Import-DscResource -module xWinEventLog
xWinEventLog Demo1
LogName = "Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint/Admin"
IsEnabled = $true
LogMode = "AutoBackup"
MaximumSizeInBytes = 20mb
LogFilePath = "c:\logfolder\MSPaint.evtx"
Demo1 -OutputPath $env:temp
Start-DscConfiguration -Path $env:temp -ComputerName localhost -Verbose -wait -debug
$after = Get-WinEvent -ListLog "Microsoft-Windows-MSPaint/Admin"
$before,$after | format-table -AutoSize LogName,IsEnabled,MaximumSizeInBytes,ProviderLatency,LogMode