This package allows for easy converting of rosbags into a matlab format. This allows for quick development times in matlab instead of directly implementing everything in c++. To use this, ensure that all dependencies are installed (see package.xml). One of the other key packages that this uses is the apriltags_ros package. This has custom headers, so make sure it is clones and built in your workspace.
- data_april
- timestamp (seconds)
- apriltag id
- apriltag size (meters?)
- x,y,z,w quaternion orientation
- x,y,z 3d position of tag (meters)
- data_imu
- timestamp (seconds)
- x,y,z linear acceleration (m/s^2)
- x,y,z angular velocity (rad/s)
- data_odom
- timestamp (seconds)
- x,y,z,w quaternion orientation
- x,y,z position of robot (meters)
- x,y,z linear acceleration (m/s^2)
- x,y,z angular velocity (rad/s)
- data_vicon
- timestamp (seconds)
- x,y,z,w quaternion orientation
- x,y,z position of robot (meters)