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📅 WesEvents

See the web app in action here!

When signing up, please enter an email that ends with "". There is no email validation, so you can pretty much put any name before the email address on this version.


Most of the capabilities of the app such sharing features, haptic feedback, and choosing pictures are not available on the web app version as those are native capabilities. To get the full expreince of the app, you will need to download the app from the app store.

A crossplatform web application to make event searching easy for busy college students. The app is designed specifically centered around Wesleyan University’s campus and is equipped with a host of features that every event app should consist of.

This was my first attempt to building a comprehensive product for fun and i've got to say, I've learned a great deal out of this experinece.

Things I learned

  • Taking advantage of mobile device's native functionality using Cordova
    • Sharing via instagram, messenger, and sms.
    • Haptic Feedback
    • Camera Functionality
    • Calendar Invites
  • Using Firebase Collections to store data with data best practices in mind
  • Learned to make common front-end design patterns from popular app like Fandango and Facebook come to life.


  1. Create new events
  2. Add unique updates to events
  3. Edit preexisting events
  4. See a list of attendees going to an event
  5. Mark and see events that you are "Interested" in going to.
  6. Mark and see events that you are "Going" to.
  7. Save events to personal calendar.
  8. Browse through the list of events in an intuitive fashion.
  9. Filter by Day, Time Of Day, Event category.
  10. Sort by event start times and trending(trending has a bug currently).
  11. Search by name of the event
  12. Share event via sms, facebook, or Instagram.
  13. Edit their user profile(picture, status, password)
  14. Check out other user's hosted and attended events.
  15. Attach a picture along with the event.
  16. Events are loaded in batches of 5 to avoid slow loading and saving data (pagination)
  17. OnBoarding Process
  18. Signup is limited to Wesleyan Emails only for security reasons
  19. Enlarge images and zoom in to view them seamlessly
  20. Common categories have their own badge associated with them. They all have the same color schemes for searching for events fast.
  21. Built in quick access to campus’s Calendars from different organizations.
  22. Haptic feedback on clicking "Mark as Going" and "liking" an event.
  23. Press hovering button to go all the way to top while browsing. and more....

Event Card Design

Normal Card

Owner Card