The goal of these utilities is to be able to execute some basic S3 actions as fast as possible, compare with the standard AWS CLI.
S3 utilities focus on reduce execution times.
s3-quick-utils [command]
Available Commands:
counter Count objects in a S3 bucket
delete Delete all the objects in a S3 bucket
help Help about any command
-h, --help help for s3-quick-utils
--profile string AWS local profile
--region string AWS region for the S3 bucket (default "eu-central-1")
Use "s3-quick-utils [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Count the objects in a bucket. The implementation is optimized for a bucket with uniform distribution on keys prefixes.
Count objects in a S3 bucket
s3-quick-utils counter [bucket_name] [flags]
counter xxx-eu-central-1-production
-h, --help help for counter
Global Flags:
--profile string AWS local profile
--region string AWS region for the S3 bucket (default "eu-central-1")
Delete all the objects in a bucket. The implementation is optimized for a bucket with uniform distribution on keys prefixes.
Delete all the objects in a S3 bucket
s3-quick-utils delete [bucket_name] [flags]
delete xxx-eu-central-1-production
-h, --help help for delete
Global Flags:
--profile string AWS local profile
--region string AWS region for the S3 bucket (default "eu-central-1")