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Connect to wifi

Ron Grimes edited this page Sep 14, 2017 · 13 revisions

Chocolate Box News Reader


  1. News Operations
  2. Configuration
  3. Connecting to wifi

The CBNR has only a simple 4x3 keypad and a 2x16 LCD display. With this it's virtually impossible to connect to a new Access Point (AP) at a coffee bar, friend's wifi, or corporate wifi. Hence we need to "cheat", and we use an external virtual screen/keyboard on a mobile device to bring up the Raspberry Pi display, and then use the Network icon to connect us to the local AP.

The following shows the applications and operations used from an Android(*) platform.

Android Applications used

  • JuiceSSH
  • VNC Viewer (from RealVNC)

Connecting the CBNR to wifi

  1. Connect the Android box to the CBNR with a USB cable.

  2. On the Android:

  3. Set Tethering mode.
    (Example: Settings > (Connections) Mobile hotspot and tethering > USB tethering: On)

  4. You only need this step after a reboot, or if you know vncserver is not running.
    Start the android app: JuiceSSH.

    1. Connect to the CBNR.
    2. Login.
    3. Start vncserver
    4. Look for:
      New 'X' desktop is raspberrypi3:1
      (Look for the ":1"; if other, substitute ":2" (etc.) for the vnc link).
    5. Disconnect (Ctrl D). [Optional]
  5. Start the android app: VNC Viewer.

  6. Connect to: (previously set up).

  7. login with VNC password (previously set up)

  8. Using the VNC screen (on the Android), use the Network icon (usually top right corner) to select the AP.

  9. Use the VNC Viewer keyboard to enter the wifi AP password (if required).

  10. Disconnect VNC Viewer (from the VNC Viewer panel).

  11. Disconect the Android to CBNR USB cable.

(*) Instructions equally good on an iOS device (probably...)